Arc Reactor Difficulties

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-Two Weeks Later-
The pain started off weak enough for Tony to ignore. Really his chest itched (ached) but that was nothing to be worried about. Honestly he had no idea how he ended up collapsing in front of Loki. Talk about embarrassing.

He woke up in Bruce's med bay to a ceiling so blinding white it had to be a hospital room. He hissed in pain as the light stabbed his eyes. "Shh," A soft voice murmured. "It's alright." A soft click let Tony know the light had been shut off. He opened his eyes to meet the worried faces of Bruce and Loki. An angry Anselma hovered in the background.

"You idiot." She snarled making her way to his side. She brushed Bruce gently to the side and leaned over Tony blocking Loki and the doctor from sight. He winced and tried to look apologetic. He failed miserably if his daughter's face was anything to go by. "Why didn't you tell anyone your reactor was hurting? Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice broke slightly. Tony felt ashamed when he saw how hurt his little girl was.

"I'm sorry, Baby Girl." He whispered pulling her to lay next to him. She curled into his side, laying her head on his chest. "Every second that passes this right here," she tapped his heart. "Gets closer to being ripped apart." Her voice was thick with tears she was struggling to hold back. Tony just held her tighter, not knowing what to say.

He drew in a sharp breath a few moments later as a spike of pain flared in his chest. Anselma quickly climbed down from the bed to give Bruce room. The doc ushered her and Loki from the room to lessen the chances of him being distracted. Anselma clung to Loki who held her close as they watched Bruce examine Tony. "Is there anything we can do?" Loki asked desperately. He didn't expect an answer so Anselma dashing for the elevator startled him. He blinked after her. "There is." She called back practically summoning Loki to her side. Together they headed to Tony's lab, hoping to find a way to help the most important man in both their lives.

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