The Date

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Anselma was picking out what Steve was going to wear for his date with Thor while he paced and mumbled under his breath, "I can't do this. I can't do this." Anselma just rolled her eyes and pulled out dark wash jeans. Tossing them at Steve she turned to find him a shirt.

Steve automatically began undressing. Finding the perfect shirt Anselma turned to give it to the captain. Her eyebrows rose when she saw he was in nothing but his boxers. Oh Thor, she thought eyeing Steve with appreciation. You lucky man. He was pulling his jeans on autopilot while she tossed the shirt to him. He pulled it on and turned to look in the mirror. Anselma sighed and tugged him to face her.

"You look amazing." She told him, buttoning up the deep blue dress shirt. "This brings out your eyes." Rubbing his shoulders in reassurance she pushed him lightly out the door. "Have fun." She said. Steve gave her a nervous smile before heading into the elevator and hitting the button for Thor's floor. Anselma leaned against the doorframe and sighed. Her little boy was all grown up now...
Thor cursed loudly while waving a dish rag through the air trying to disperse the smoke. The alarm rang shrilly through the room, furthering his ire. Steve entered the kitchen in time to see Thor about to throw his hammer at the smoke alarm. Thor paused with it raised high when he spotted Steve.

He gave a sheepish smile and lowered his hammer. Steve raised an eyebrow in question. Thor blushed. "I attempted to prepare a divine meal to present to you as a sign of my intentions to woo you." Steve smiled softly at Thor, who was frowning at the floor in shame. "I failed." Thor said sadly. Steve helped him clean up before grabbing Thor's hand and leading him to his floor.

Once there he headed to his own kitchen. "What were you trying to make?" He asked curiously. Thor studied how Steve decorated his living space while answering. "Spaghetti." Steve clapped his hands together and took a deep breath. "Let's get started then." Thor shot him a questioning look. Steve grinned. "I'm going to teach you how to make spaghetti." Thor smiled and moved to stand by Steve. He looked at him expectantly.

"Alright," Steve said. "First we boil a pot of water." Thor grabbed a pot and filled it with water. He placed it on the stove as Steve set a pan next to it. He poured in hamburger meat and began to brown it. "After all the meat is brown," he explained to Thor who listened closely. "We pour out the grease and add the spaghetti sauce."

Thor struggled a little with emptying the grease but managed just fine with Steve's help.

"Now we break the noodles in half and put them in the boiling water." They had fun doing that part. "And we add just enough salt to give them flavor. After that we wait until they're soft and we're done." Thor gave Steve a radiant smile. "Thank you Steven for teaching me the art of making the ghetti of spa." Steve chuckled lightly before quickly darting a kiss against Thor's smiling lips. "No problem." He grinned. Thor gave his a chaste kiss. "I am grateful for you darling rekkr." Steve flushed before pulling Thor in for another kiss.
rekkr: warrior, man
Next time:
Loki just shook his head and smiled. Turning he almost ran straight into Anselma.

"So," she drawled. "What are we doing today?" Loki had no clue but he tried to come up with an answer. "Perhaps you could show me around and help me appear more Midgardian." He suggested. Anselma got a wicked smirk. "I think I can do that." Loki had the feeling he had made a mistake.

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