Father-Daughter Bonding

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Tony had planned to spend the whole day with Anselma but had to go to a meeting for Stark Industries.

"Shit. I don't know what to do." He fretted. Loki pushed him out the door affectionately. "I shall accompany her today. Do not worry." He soothed. Tony sighed in relief. "Thanks darling." He said turning and kissing Loki good bye before getting into the car Happy was waiting for him in. Loki just shook his head and smiled. Turning he almost ran straight into Anselma.

"So," she drawled. "What are we doing today?" Loki had no clue but he tried to come up with an answer. "Perhaps you could show me around and help me appear more Midgardian." He suggested. Anselma got a wicked smirk. "I think I can do that." Loki had the feeling he had made a mistake.
Loki gulped nervously when he saw where Anselma had dragged him to first. He looked around at the people sitting and chatting to others who were cutting their hair. Oh he had a bad feeling about this.

Anselma chatted to a woman who wasn't busy before turning to grin at Loki. "Today we are changing your whole look." Loki shook his head no and took a step back when the woman gestured for him to sit in the chair before her. Anselma frowned. Stepping forward she jutted out her lower lip, fluttered her eyes, and suddenly Loki was faced with the full force of an Anselma Pout.

He broke in seconds. And before he knew it he was sitting in a chair, a cloth wrapped around his neck, and watched as locks of his ebony hair floated down by his face. He eyed Anselma who was sitting to his left and getting her hair dyed red. While focused on Anselma he failed to notice his haircut was finished. The woman ("Call me Victoria") let him sit quietly until Anselma's hair was finished. Once done, Loki stared at Anselma for so long she grew worried. "Oh come on," said, turning him around and pushing against his back to get him to move. "Are you going to tell me no one on Asgard changed their hair color? Ever?" Loki's steps faltered for a split second. "Lady Sif did once." Was his only reply. While pondering Loki's hesitation to answer her she steered him into a clothing shop. "Sella!" A man shouted happily, emerging from behind a sea of curtains covering the back of the shop.

"Renee!" Anselma screamed and jumped into his arms. He spun her around once before setting her back on her feet. Loki watched them interstedly. "I need Papa's siren to be measured." Loki blinked at her wondering what she meant by 'siren'.

Renee was on him the second Anselma was finished speaking. He walked around the wary god, eyeing him top to bottom. "Make him look like a god." Anselma grinned her eyes twinkling with mirth. Renee nodded. "I can do that." Loki groaned quietly.
Tony's jaw dropped when he got home and spotted Loki standing in his living room. Loki stood tall and proud but Tony could still see he was worried about his reaction.

Loki was wearing a black suit tailored to accentuate all of his lean muscles. His hair was cut short and left his handsome face open for Tony stare at unhindered. Tony smiled as Loki ran his hand through his hair every few moments, obviously trying to get used to the new length. "Well," he drawled seductively as he stalked like a predator towards the anxious god. "Isn't this a pleasant surprise." Loki opened his mouth to speak but Tony's was suddenly covering it.

Loki groaned as Tony pressed him against the wall and devoured his mouth. Tony sucked hungrily on Loki's tounge and grinded his hard length against the god's. Loki pulled away to moan loudly. Tony's breath hitched with need. "God Lokes," he panted. "I want you."

Loki pressed against Tony and switched their positions. He suckled on Tony's pulse point and thrusted against him. Tony squirmed and groaned Loki's name breathily. The god licked up Tony's neck and nipped lightly at the aroused human's lips. Tony tried to press his mouth to Loki's but the god pulled away. Instead Loki moved to mark Tony's neck again.

Tony keened and Loki's hips stuttered. The god pulled away from Tony completely and pulled him towards the room. Tony went oh too willingly. Once there they fell onto the bed entwined with each other.

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