Matchmaker: Thor and Steve

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It was surprisingly easy to get Thor to admit he had a huge crush (major hard on) for Steve. And all it took was one little push from Anselma. And yes Bruce, she was quite proud of her handiwork and if he didn't shut up he was going to be next.
Phase One: Physical Attraction
It was pure luck that at the exact time Steve was exercising Thor wished to work out. All Anselma did was point out the room Steve occupied and sat back and watched. It was almost comical to see the Norse god freeze in the doorway and gape at Steve. Not that she could blame him.

Steve was currently shirtless and pummeling the punching bag. His lean muscles rippled with every swing. Every line of sweat outlined his perfection. So yeah, she could see why Thor was practically drooling over the supersoldier. Hell even she was. But that was neither here nor there...

And she was quite proud of her self-control when she saw Thor slip off his shirt and attack the other punching bag. His firece abs were mouthwatering. Apparently Steve thought so to. The poor man couldn't take his eyes off the god.

And Anselma just enjoyed the view. After all, how often would she get the chance to see a half-naked, sweat soaked supersoldier and Norse god? She was going to enjoy this while it lasted.

Phase Two:Intellectual Equality
The next day she tossed a cell phone to each of them and left the room. She checked on them an hour later.

And if Thor leaning over Steve's shoulder as the man tried to explain the device to the god wasn't the cutest thing ever she didn't know what was. Especially since their hands kept brushing and both were sporting major blushes.

Phase Three: Date Night
Thor approached Steve just after his morning run. "Steven?" Steve smiled at him and wiped his face on the towel slung across his shoulders. "Yeah?" He asked. Thor took a deep breath and organized his thoughts. "Would you allow me the pleasure of escorting you to a place of dine?" His voice wavered slightly with nerves. Steve took a minute to figure out what he was saying. "Are you asking me to dinner?" At Thor's nod he grinned. "It would be an honor." He said. Thor beamed and hurried to tell his brother the great news. From the vent above Steve, Clint grumbled and paid Anselma $50. He hated losing bets. Anselma just smirked.

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