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Tony woke up and strencthed, sighing contentedly as his bones popped and released tension. Sitting up he opened his eyes and looked around. He jerked back in shock when his gaze meet a pair of emerald eyes.

"What the hell Loki?!" He exclaimed. Loki took a step back and adopted a look of confusion. "I am here to escort you to the first meal of the day." He said slowly. Tony stared at him in silence. "What?"

Loki straightened. "On Asgard it is customary for the one initiating a courtship to escort their intended to a meal." Tony groaned and flopped back onto his bed. "It's too early for this."

Loki stood by the bed, unsure of what to do. Suddenly Tony's hand shot out and grabbed Loki's and dragged him into the bed too. Loki hovered awkwardly over Tony for a moment before Tony sighed and shifted them until he was laying on Loki's chest. "Just a few more minutes..." Tony murmured before falling sleep again. Loki froze afraid to disturb the now slumbering man sprawled across him. Gradually he loosened his muscles and moved his arms to hold Tony closer. He studied Tony's face closely. He looked peaceful when he slept. His smile and worry lines smoothed over while he rested and he just looked... perfect. At least to Loki anyways.

It wasn't long until Tony was moving and stretching again. "Ready to get up now?" Tony asked around a yawn. Loki shot him a look of amusement. "Yes." He said simply. Tony sleepily crawled out of bed with Loki watching his every move. Especially when Tony lifted his arms above his head to work out a few kinks and his shirt rose up a few inches. Tony glanced back in time to see Loki lick his lips. With a small smirk he moved to his closet to get his clothes down for the day. When Tony turned his face was inches away from the god's. Loki pressed him against the door and pressed their lips together gently. Tony grabbed Loki's shirt with both hands and pulled him flush against him, deepening the kiss. Loki gripped Tony's hair firmly with one hand, the other gliding up and under Tony's shirt. Just as quickly as kiss began it ended. Tony ducked out from Loki's hold and walked swiftly to the restroom. Loki stood in shock for a while before he turned to see Tony entering the restroom. He grinned as the door shut, his mortal disappearing behind it. Oh how he did love a small tease. With a glint in his eye he went to wait for his intended in the hallway.

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