18. Manly Man

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Four Years Later

"Well, what do you think?" Hunter asked as he and Zoie walked into their new apartment. "Hunter, it's amazing and it's ours!" Zoie said wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck. "Come on, come on, come on!" Zoie said grabbing Hunter's hand and dragging him through the apartment. "Look! Asher can stay in this room. And OH!" Zoie grabbed Hunter's hand and dragged him to the other room. "We can be in this one! AND!" Zoie ran to the next room. And held Hunter's hand. "Our next baby can stay in this one," she said kissing his lips. Hunter pulled away with a troubled expression on his face. "Zoie, I don't think I want another baby," he said. "Wh-why not. When we were young you always talked about having two kids," Zoie said. "Yeah well, now that Asher's older... I just... Maybe... Maybe I just d-don't-" "Love me as much?" Zoie asked as tears stung her eyes. "No! I love you I just-" "Think our love is falling through? Did Asher do it? Was it Asher? I'm sorry I kept you- our baby. I just thought he would make us happier. I thought... I thought we'd be complete with Asher, I guess I was wrong," Zoie said moving away from Hunter. "Zoie-" "Sleep on the floor tonight, Hunter!" Zoie yelled before she walked out the door. 

The only furniture they had was their bed and Asher's bed. Everything else would be in there tomorrow. 

Hunter sat on the floor and hugged his knees as he rocked back and forth crying. He did want another child with Zoie. But he felt it wouldn't be good enough. So many people told him he was a horrible father because he was a teen. So many people told Zoie that Hunter would leave her come two kids once he realized the amount of responsibility it took to raise two kids.

Hunter made sure to get himself together once he realized that Zoie would be there soon. He didn't want her to see him like that. 

How unmanly. 

That's what he needed to be right? 

A perfect man.

Because some better manly man will take his girl if he wasn't good enough. 

They'd raise his son. 

And Asher would hate Hunter. 


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