Chapter Seven

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(*We're continuing on the last dare where Ace and Vixen91 are having s*x in the abandoned mansion*)

Vixen91: *moans* Mmmm...accce!

(*Ace handcuffs Vixen91 to the head board of the bed and f*cks her hard*)

Vixen91: aceee...ohhh f*ccck. 🥴 *releases pre-cum and it gets all over the sheets*

Ace: *releases his pre-cum and it gets all over Vixen91's chest*

(*Vixen91 gets on her hands and knees while Ace holds onto her leash*)

Vixen91: *wraps her lips around Ace's space balls and sucks on it*

Ace: Ohhh yeahhh...f*ck me harder baaaby. 🤤

Vixen91: *dips her head back and forth while giving Ace a blowjob*

(*Vixen91 and Ace continue to do the same thing over and over again, and  they did that all day and all night*)

Tommy: *is visiting family for a day, so he doesn't know about it*

Me: Vinnnie...are you done now?

Vinnie: *puts his hot pink v-shaped guitar down on its stand* Yes babe. Are you ready for bed now?

Me: Yessss...*clings onto Vinnie and lets out a yawn* I've been waiting for you all night and you do this every single day.

Vinnie: *chuckles* Aww, let's go to sleep now, love.

(*Vinnie and Emily head into the Egyptian bedroom and they both fall asleep together in bed*)

Me: 😴

Vinnie: 😴

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