Chapter Seventeen

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Me: Hi guys! We've got more truths and dares! And this time, they're going to be a little bit more personal than before. So, without further ado, let's get to it!

Vinnie-i dare you to allow Emily to give you a hickey and then show it to the guys.

Vinnie: *blushes* Okay. But as long as I can do it in private.

Me: Aww! Come here you! *grabs Vinnie's hand and leads him to the bathroom*

Vinnie: *blushes even more while following his mate*

(*The host makes sure that the bathroom door is locked and then, she began to make out with Vinnie, and then when the makeout session became a little bit heated, she gently nibbled on Vinnie's neck where the soft spot was located*)

Me: *slowly pulls back* Mmm...that was so good.

Vinnie: Mhmm. I love you babe.

(*Vinnie and Emily both share a kiss before they walk back to the others while holding hands*)

Me: *giggles softly* I love you too, Vinnie.

Ace: Dannng...! She got you a good one!

Paul: I remember when I gave my wife her first hickey.

Suzy: Aw! You guys are so cute together!

Vinnie: *blushes* Thank you.

Me: *giggles* Next one!

Paul-what is one physical attraction that you find sexy in women?

Gene: *wolf whistles*

Paul: *smiles* There's a lot of things that I find sexy in a woman. But if you're asking me to name one of them, then I'd say it's their koo chi.

Me: *blushes at what Paul said, and then smiles at Vinnie* I know one part of me Vinnie loves.

Vinnie: Mhm, do you now?

Me: *grabs Vinnie's hand and presses it against my breasts when the guys aren't paying attention*

Vinnie: 😍

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