Chapter Nine

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Me: We've got another dare!

Ace-blow up and destroy Mount Vesuvius. 🌋

Ace: Um...isn't that supposed to be some kind of volcano that wiped out the people in Pompeii or something?

Me: You got it right! We don't want anyone else getting killed by it's volcanic ash and hot lava. Just don't destroy the city of Pompeii, or the scientists can't visit the skeletal human remains.

Ace: *cackles* Okay! *grabs as many explosives as he can and teleports to Mount Vesuvius*

Me: *is waiting in Pompeii with Gene and Vinnie* Be careful Ace!

Vinnie: I hope that the volcano doesn't erupt.

(*Ace Frehley sets up all the explosives all around Mount Vesuvius and then presses the red button to detonate it, and then very quickly teleports away from the area*)

Me: *covers ears to avoid hearing the loud noises*

Ace: *teleports back to the group* Well, that volcano is a goner!

(*In the distance, Mount Vesuvius can be seen as it now blown to smithereens, and then the lava was turning black and into cool rock, and the volcanic ashes and gases were long gone*)

(*Some gray clouds were now appearing in the sky, the rain starting to gently fall from the shy*)

Gene: *looks around for something*

Vinnie: What you are looking for Gene?

Gene: Those skeletons that Emily was talking about. Are you sure that they aren't just Halloween decorations?

Me: WHAT?! 😱 Of course they were real! I bet if we can sneak around the area, we might be able pay our respects to the Pompeii victims.

Vinnie: *is starting to feel a little bit uneasy* O-okay.

(*The host, Gene, Ace, and Vinnie sneak around the lost city of Pompeii until they come across something that looked like a horror movie*)

(*It was the area where the last remaining civilians of Pompeii who died during the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and all that was left were their skeletal human remains*)

(*It was the area where the last remaining civilians of Pompeii who died during the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and all that was left were their skeletal human remains*)

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Vinnie: *cries softly, as he hugs me*

Me: *wraps my arms around Vinnie for comfort*

Gene: *lays out a bouquet of flowers next to the fossilized remains

Ace: *also lays out a bouquet of flowers* Ah man, this was so sad. I can't believe that a stinkin' volcano killed a bunch of innocent people.

Me: I know, right?

Vinnie: At least they're in a better place now. 😥

(*After taking a moment to recite a silent prayer, we all teleported back to the spare building*)

Paul: *grins* Hey people!

(*Everyone else notices how quiet the host, Gene, Vinnie, and Ace were*)

Peter: Ace, what's going on, man?

Eric Carr: Yeah Vinnie. What's with the sour faces?

Me: *sits down on one of the living room sofas* We visited the city of Pompeii and Ace got dared to blow up and destroy Mount Vesuvius.

Eric Singer: Mount Vesuvius?

Paul: What in the name of Kissteria is that?

Vixen91: You never learned about that in school?

Paul: No, I didn't like going to school because of my ear deformity. I couldn't hear what the teacher was telling me, so I started avoiding school all together.

Me: Well, anyway. After Ace did his dare, we wandered around for a while until we found the location of the fossilized skeletal human remains off the Pompeii victims.

Paul: What happened to them?

Vinnie: *is still crying*

Eric Carr: *kindly gives Vinnie a tissue*

(*Vinnie mumbles a thank you to the Fox, blows his nose, and then after throwing the used tissue away into a nearby trashcan, he cuddles up next to me because the whole ordeal was too emotional for him to handle*)

Me: In 79 AD, a volcano known as Mount Vesuvius erupted over the city of Pompeii and  one thousand people died. Many years later, excavators found the skeletal human remains, and they were all fossilized. A cloud of ashes and poisonous gases took 15 minutes to kill the inhabitants.

Paul: *frowns* Wow, that's really sad. 🙁

Vinnie: *hugs me tighter* O-Ohh my God. I can't believe it. 😰

Eric Carr: *gives Vinnie another tissue* Me neither. 😕

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