Chapter Sixteen

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(*Everyone were excitedly getting ready for a special day*)

Me: Okay Fox, you can put the presents on that dining room table over there. And Vinnie, you're gong to be distracting Gene by keeping him busy until it's time.

Vinnie: Okay. Come on Gene, we better get going.

Gene: Okay Vinnie. Lead the way.

(*As soon as the Demon and The Ankh Warrior were gone, the host and the rest of the Kiss guys began to decorate the spare building*)

Paul: *takes out a box of Kiss party streamers and party hats* This is going to be the best party ever!

Ace: *cackles* Yeah! *pours in two bucket of water into the fish tank*

Peter: *is helping Ace set up the fish tank* I hope Gene will like his new pets.

(*Peter takes out a clear bag with the fish inside carefully pours them into the fish tank*)

Me: *watches the fish swimming in the fish tank* Cool! 😎

(*Two hours later...*)

Eric Singer: *brings out a big chocolate cake that is KISS themed and has the words HAPPY 72nd BIRTHDAY GENE! written in red and black icing*

KellerSinger18: Mmm! This cake looks delicious! 😋

Eric Carr: *yips while licking his lips hungrily, his fluffy fox tail swishing*

Me: *laughs* Don't even think about it, you foxy little bandit...👹

Paul: *puts Gene's birthday cake in a cake holder so the fox doesn't try to steal a piece* There, now he can't get to it.

Ace: *is putting up the last decoration*

Suzy: *is setting up the appetizers on the round table*

Eli: *lays out the Kiss Official party cups next to the drinks*

Me: Well...I think we're almost done getting ready for Gene's 72nd birthday party. We better all go and get ourselves ready while we can because the party starts in one hour.

(*All the other Kiss guys whoop with joy and they all teleport to their bedrooms to get themselves ready, and the girls do the same*)

(*One hour later...*)

Suzy: *looks outside and sees the Kiss limo pulling up in the driveway* Guys! Gene and Vinnie are here!

Me: Awesome! Let's turn off the lights and hide somewhere so we can surprise the God Of Thunder!

(*Everyone runs around the spare building to find a place to hide and the host claps her hands to switch all the lights off*)

Gene: *opens door*

Paul: Surprise!

Ace: Surprise!

Peter: Surprise!

Tommy: Surprise!

Eric Singer: Surprise!

Me: Surprise!

Suzy: Surprise!

Vixen91: Surprise!

Eli: Surprise!

Eric Carr: *has a party kazoo in his fox mouth and tried to blow into it*

Vinnie: Happy 72nd Birthday Gene! 🥳

Gene: Wow! You guys all did this for me?

Me: Well, of course we did, you silly God Of Thunder!

Paul: *laughs* Yeah, and that's why we sent Vinnie out to keep you busy for a while so we could set up everything up.

Gene: You guys have no idea how happy I am!


(*Everyone forms a group hug around Gene*)

Vinnie: We also got you a birthday day present Gene.

Me: Two actually.

Gene Excellent. So, where is it?

Ace: *cackles* Look and see what's underneath that blanket over there.

(*Gene moves the blanket and is very surprised to see a large fish tank full of red-bellied piranhas*)

Gene: WOW! This is so cool! Now I get to have my very own meat-eating fish as pets. Thank you everyone! I love it.

Me: And I have my present right here . *takes out a gift bag with some silver tissue paper to hide the present*

(*Gene carefully pulls out his gift and inside is a scrapbook with pictures of Gene's family, and some are even old photos of the Demon's family members as it was the last moment they were seen alive, because they were all killed in the gas chambers during the Holocaust*)

(*Every picture of Gene's mother is also included, as well as some of Gene's baby pictures*)

Me: I know very well how much your mother means to you, and her love for America is what makes it even more beautiful.

Paul: Um...Gene? Are you okay?

(*A few tears of joy and sadness fall down Gene's cheek and onto the scrapbook*)

Gene: It's the best gift that I've ever gotten, thank you very much Emily.

Me: Aww! *gives Gene a hug*

Gene: *also gives me a hug*

Vinnie: Aww! *wipes a tear of joy from his eye* That was so sweet of you Emily.

Eric Carr: *yips* (Can we all do cake now?!) PLEASE?!)

(*Everyone else laughs at how silly the Fox is*)

Me: Okay everybody! Let's have some cake! Gene gets to have the first piece because he is the birthday boy!


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