Chapter Twenty-Six

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(*It is now sunset, and everyone is returning to the hotel for the night*)

Me: *looks out the window and then switches into my Teke Teke form, and then crawls out of the hotel room*

Eric Singer: Um...where is she going?

Vinnie: Once a year when the moon is red, Emily has to make sure that everyone else knows the story of Teke Teke.

Peter: What story are we talking about here?

Vinnie: A tragic tale of a young school girl who fell onto the tracks and was sliced in half by her lower torso. Emily sacrificed herself to let her soul control Teke Teke, that's how she can shapeshift into the Teke Teke when she has to defend herself.

Vixen91: *feels a little bit creeped out*

Suzy: And tonight, she's in a hotel.

(*The host is in her Teke Teke form hiding in the dark while she looks for a target*)

Me: *spots a few school girls going towards the women's bathroom.

Girl #1: I need the toilet, can you wait for me?

Girl #2: Already?

(*Girl #1 uses the toilet and goes to the sink to wash her hands*)

(*Watch the video for a description*)

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