Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Me: *takes out a bucket filled with ice cold water* Okay girls, let's give these knuckleheads something they'll never forget!

Eli: But what are we doing to the guys?

Suzy: We're going to be dumping a bucket of ice cold water on all nine of the Kiss guys.

Vixen91: *giggles* My spaceking is gonna be so surprised.

Me: *gets an idea* I've got an a idea on how to make this dare extra funny! Anybody have any red Kool-Aid?

Suzy: Right here! *gives Emily a packet of powder Kool-Aid, this is how you make Kool-aid all by yourself*

Me: Thanks! Okay, so I've already told the guys to meet me outside in the backyard and they have to wear blindfolds so they won't see what's going on.

Eli: My poor Petey-bear is gonna be all wet! But it'll be worth it.

Me: Okay, let's go!

(*In the spare building backyard, all nine of the Kiss guys are standing outside blindfolded*)

Me: *takes out some ladders so the girls and the host can climb up to reach the guys's head*

Suzy: *whispers* Three...

Vixen91: Two...

Me: One...

Eli: Go!

(*All the guys scream when something ice cold is dumped on their heads*)

Gene: What the hell?!

Paul: Aaah! I can't see a thing!

Ace: So cold! ACK!

Peter: Who dared you girls to do this to us? *shivers like a lost kitten*


Eli: 😹

Suzy: 😂

Vixen91: 😂

KellerSinger18: *comes out while still pregnant* Oh my God! Eric Singer, what happened to you?

Eric Singer: I don't know...Emily and the girls dumped ice cops water on our heads.

Tommy: *licks the red stuff from his finger* What's this red stuff?

Me: Red flavored Kool-Aid! 

Vinnie: What in the name of Anubis gave you the terrible idea to dump ice cold water and red Kool-Aid all over us?

Me: *giggles and shrugs my shoulders* I don't know.

Vinnie: *sarcastically* Aha aha. Now, you're gonna have to help me get this off.

Me: Okay, fair enough. Enjoy yourself guys!

(*Vinnie Vincent and Emily teleport to the bathroom in a golden aurora*)

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