Chapter Fifteen

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Me: *bursts in through the door using a Kiss boxing glove* 😁 WE'VE GOT A BIG DARE!

(*All nine of the Kiss guys are hanging out at Casablanca records*)

Paul: GAH! *accidentally falls backwards off the tall chair he was sitting*

Peter: *looks down to see if he's alright* Oh dear...

Paul: *stands back up on his feet, rubbing where it hurts on his head* Owww...that really hurt.

Vinnie: I missed you babe. *stands behind me and then kissed the side of my neck*

Me: *blushes* Hey Vinnie...

Ace: So, what's up?

Me: Vixen91 has a dare for all of you guys and she wanted you to try and find me and the girls while we're hiding in an old abandoned amusement park.

(*All the Kiss guys are whooping with joy*)

Suzy: This will be fun!

Eli: Yeah!

Me: I'll teleport us to the abandoned amusement park and when we all find a good hiding place, I'll send you a message through the eye, Starchild.

Paul: Good idea Emily. We'll wait for you right here!

Me: Great! See you guys later!

(*The girls take Emily's hand and then she teleports herself and the girls to the abandoned amusement park using her kissterian powers, and they all disappear in a hot pink aurora*)

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Me: We're here!

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Me: We're here!

Suzy: Let's go!

(*The girls separate and walk away to find a good place to hide*)

Me: *sends a message through the eye*

(*Meanwhile, at the spare building...*)

Paul: *gets the message through the eye* That's our que!

Ace: *cackles* Let's do it!

(*All the Kiss guys teleport to the abandoned amusement park*)

Vinnie: This place looks scary...

Gene: Well, we better go find the girls.

(*The guys began to look around the abandoned amusement park*)

Suzy: *giggles quietly while hiding behind a ride called The Tunnel of Love*

Eric Carr: *sniffs around on the ground using his pointy fox nose* yips* (I found something!)

Vinnie: What is it, Eric?

Eric Carr: *yips* *follows the footprints*

Suzy: *can smell the fox's scent* (He's so close!)

Eric Carr: *steps into The Tunnel of Love ride and there is water inside, he steps in the water and gets wet in the process*


Eric Carr: *yips excitedly and runs to greet Suzy his vixen* (Suzy!)

Vinnie: There he is!

Paul: *chuckles* That was a good one Suzy.

Suzy: Aw, thank you Starchild. *giggles as the fox yips happily and jumps up to lick her cheeks*

Vinnie: I wonder where KellerSinger18 is hiding? *pets the fox gently*

Eric Singer: I bet I can find her by tracking her scent. *switches to his cat form and begins to sniff the air*

KellerSinger18: *giggles while hiding behind the Balloon Dart booth* He'll never find me.

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

(*The Fox finds something on the ground, and when he sniffs it, he tries to get everyone's attention*)

Eric Carr: *yips* (Guys!) (I found something else!)

Paul: *picks up what looks like to be a green bow* Hey, this belongs to KellerSinger18. Eric, do you think you can find her now?

Eric Singer: *sniffs the green bow* *meows* (Yes I can!) *takes off running as he now knows where KellerSinger18 is hiding*

Tommy: Is this it, buddy?

Eric Singer: *Meows* *jumps onto the Balloon Pop booth*

KellerSinger18: Eric! You finally found me!

Eric Singer: *meows and the purrs when his mate holds him in her arms*

Vinnie: Now, we just have to find Emily and Vixen91.

Vixen91: *is hiding behind the Ferris Wheel*

Tommy: *walks past the Ferris Wheel*

Vixen91: BOO!

Tommy: AAHH!

(*Everyone laughs at what happened*)

Vixen91: *giggles* I got you good, my space king.

Tommy: *chuckles* Yes you did, my spacequeen.

Vinnie: All we have to do now is find Emily.

Paul: Let's go!

Me: *is wearing a corpse bride costume and some zombie makeup* Now, I'm going to scare the living daylight out of them.

(*The host sneaks out from her hiding spot and then climbs down into a hole that she dug up to scare the Kiss guys, and then she puts on a fake skeletal hand, and then puts the dirt back in the hole*)

Eric Carr: *yipe when he sees the strange looking object sticking out from underneath the ground*

Vinnie: What is it, Eric?

Me: *uses my skeletal hand to grab Vinnie by the arm*

Vinnie: OH SH*T! *tries to pull his back back, but then the skeletal hand breaks off and is still gripping his arm*

(*The host comes out from underneath the ground, using my other arm to pull herself up*)

Me: *moans and then walks like a zombie towards Vinnie*

Vinnie: *gasps and then backs away in fear* Stay back!

Me: *corners Vinnie into a wall and then leans forward and kisses him on the lips*

Vinnie: *faints*

Eric Carr: *growls and bares his teeth* (Stay away!


Paul: WHAT?!

Me: You've all been pranked! By the master!

Eric Carr: *rolls on the ground laughing his foxy butt off* Good one Emily!

Suzy: You really had us scared there for second.

Vinnie: *wakes up to see me wiping off the zombie makeup from my face* B-babe?

Me: Hey Vinnie...sorry if I scared you too much.

Vinnie: *gets up off the ground, dusting himself* No, you're fine. I'm okay.

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