Chapter Thirteen

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(*A few hours later, Suzy had to take the fox to the vet for a checkup to make sure that Eric Carr didn't have rabies, because after the incident with the Kiss guys flirting with Suzy when they saw her wearing a new bikini*)

(*They all agreed not to be flirting with the ones who had mates, especially after what had happened to Emily, and then Vinnie had to take his mate to the emergency room because her bite wound wasn't healing properly*)

(*And since they got there ahead of time, the doctors said that Emily's wound only had a small infection, but it was not life-threatening*)

(*Now, everyone was still a little uncertain about the Fox's behavior and they thought it would be best to keep their distance from him, just so they could wait until Eric Carr's snake bite was healed up completely*)

Me: *is sitting at the kitchen table with a coloring book and a bunch of coloring pencils that had every color*

Ace: Man, the poor guy's been taking his snake bite more harder.

Peter: Yeah, and he's got to wait a whole week until it's healed.

Gene: We just have to be there for him.

Paul: *smiles* Definitely.

Me: *gets up from the kitchen table and walks away to be alone*

(*All the other Kiss guys watch sadly as Emily left the kitchen*)

Paul: The poor kid.

Eric Singer: *is comforting KellerSinger18 as she is sitting next to him on the sofa* I know.

Tommy: From my knowledge of Kiss, I don't think Eric Carr really meant to hurt Emily or anyone else. He was just protecting Suzy, because their married and she's his mate.

Bruce: That's what I was thinking. It's just like if Peter, Eric Singer, Tommy, or even Vinnie saw that someone was trying to hurt their mate, they probably wouldn't hesitate to attack that particular person.

KellerSinger18: *sniffs* Emily's past hasn't been the nicest, either.

Paul: Yeah, that's true. With her dad being so mean to her, y'know? When he sent all those mean hurtful texts to her phone, and letting his emotions get the best of him in a bad way.

KellerSinger18: *cries a little bit, hiding her face in Eric Singer's chest* I just hope that Suzy could forgive Vinnie for what he's done to the Fox. He was just trying to protect his mate.

Eric Singer: *holds KellerSinger18 closer to him, gently rocking her back and forth like a baby to calm her down with love and comfort*'ll be okay.

(*Meanwhile, in a different room with Emily...*)

Me: *is sitting in a seat while playing the piano* 😔

(*The music that Emily was playing*)

(*Vinnie walks into the room and sees his mate playing the piano*)

Vinnie: *sits down next to me and then wraps his arm around my shoulder*

Me: 🥺 *stops playing the piano for a minute to snuggle up in Vinnie's hug*

Vinnie: *kisses my cheek and then lets go of me* I'm sorry...

Me: I-I know you are...😢

Vinnie: I know I shouldn't have attacked the Fox. When I saw what happened...babe I...

Me: *starts crying again and then sits down in Vinnie's lap, wrapping my arms around him into a hug* 😰

Vinnie: *carefully wipes away a few tears from his eyes with a tissue* I was so worried about you...and then I could feel my protective instincts kicking in.

Me: I know you were just tryin' to protect me, and I understand why you felt that way. But you know that Eric Carr is our friend and attacking our friend isn't a very nice thing to do. *kisses Vinnie soft lips*

Vinnie: *kisses me back* I know. And I promise that next time that if this happens again, I'll just scoop you up in my arms and we'll go to the Egyptian bedroom and wait there until the Fox calms down.

Me: *wipes away my tears and then smiles with a giggle* That's a good idea Vinnie.

Vinnie: *chuckles* Thank you, love.

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