Chapter 3

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Yavin 4 had become the headquarters of the continuously growing Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Rebellion had only recently unified under the leadership of Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila, all in order to overthrow the tyrannical Galactic Empire and restore the democratic Republic back to its glory.

...Or at least that is one of their primary objectives. Recently, one of their cells, the Phoenix Squadron was attacked by the Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn during the preparation of attacking the Imperial-occupied planet of Lothal. They lost nearly all of their personnel, including their leader, Jun Sato. But they were saved thanks to the assistance of the Mandalorian Clan Wren, along with the help of Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. Once the evacuation was complete, Bridger and Wren were attacked by TIE Fighters just before making the jump to hyperspace...and didn't arrive at Yavin with the rest of the survivors.

That was well over two days ago, and the two have yet to return or resurface on the Rebellion's radar. Now the Alliance was spending its time running ops on Imperial supply lines, intelligence, and other missions to sabotage the Empire.

Mon Mothma walked down the halls of the ancient Massassi Temples on Yavin 4, flanked by Admiral Raddus of the Rebel Fleet, and Antoc Merrick of Blue Squadron.

"Admiral, relay these orders to our scouts on Naboo." she ordered Raddus while handing him a datapad, "General, prep Blue Squadron for your raid on Jakku."

"Understood senator." Merrick replied before turning back to the hangar with Raddus. Mothma continued her way until arriving at the Alliance command center. Before entering she heard voices arguing on the other side of the door.

"I've already wasted nearly every resource within Rebel Intelligence." an authoritative male voice stated, a hint of annoyance in his tone

"Well search again!" a harsh female voice shouted, "My daughter is missing! We will not stop until she is found!"

Mon Mothma then entered the room, where she noticed several individuals surrounding a holotable. The first was a man with brown hair tied into a ponytail with a beard, he wore green attire with a dark green mask that covered his eyes. Second was a green-skinned humanoid female with head tails, and bright green eyes, she wore a pilot's flight suit. Next was a large purple creature with purple fur and big green eyes. Standing at the center of the room was a human male with light brown hair with side burns and hazel eyes, and wore a Rebel uniform. Next to him was an older man with a white beard and brown eyes, he wore old clone trooper armor with blue accents that only covered his chest, back, shoulders, and arms. On the other side of the holo table were two Mandalorians. The first was a young human male with hazel eyes and short, dark brown hair. His companion was a middle-aged woman with similar traits. Both their armor sported the same colors: grey with yellow accents, and the symbol of the Nite Owls on their helmets. The boy also had a purple shoulder plate with the picture of a loth-cat on it.

Their small argument was put to a halt one Mothma made her presence clear.

"Senator Mothma." the green humanoid greeted

"General Syndulla." Mothma replied, "Hera...I apologize for intruding."

"You weren't intruding at Senator." said Hera, "We're just caught up in our situation."

"Indeed, a situation that has spread throughout the Rebellion." Mothma added before turning to the elder Mandalorian, "Countess Wren, it is an honor to finally meet you."

"The honor is mine." Ursa Wren replied kindly, "Though I wish it was under better circumstances."

Mothma turned to the Rebel officer, "Kallus, I assume your work in finding Commanders Bridger and Wren have been...unsuccessful?"

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