Chapter 14 - The General

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Previously on the Jedi and the Mandalorian...

"Its here!" she cried out, "The base, we know where it is!"

"The data is encrypted. This is some top notch security, even for the Separatists. I'm downloading the data now."

"My squad has worked with Atlas before. General Ironwood? He's unstable, any major news can make him go over the edge. Imagine what would happen if he discovered the greater galaxy, or even contacted the Empire."

"We were sent by the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious..."

"You know I'm not good when it comes to feelings...I can say how I feel."

" do we figure...this...out...?" she then asked

"I don't know..." Ezra replied, "If I were younger me, I would be happier than Chopper getting away with messing up my room. But now..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Maul's voice echoed out in the hall, "How much is she worth to you!? How much!?"


Reaching towards her neck, Sabine pulled on a black cord that held onto a silver pendant with a clear crystal inside. She remembered what her father said about it, and how she was meant to have it.



RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 14 - The General

Premise: As the Rebels prepare for an important mission, Ezra and Sabine confront one another.




Kanan sat quietly in his quarters, he breathed in and out, slowly and quietly. He let the Force flow through him, hoping to find something, anything, that could help in finding Ezra and Sabine.

He had been doing this for weeks on end. While Hera, Rex, and even Kallus were using Alliance Intelligence to the best of their ability, Kanan had been meditating to stay calm and at peace. He could feel Ezra's presence through the Force, it was like a dimly lit candle, but one that burned strong.

Sabine's was no different, as it burned strong too. However it felt different only slightly, as Sabine, unlike Ezra, was not a Jedi. Both felt strong, determined, and most of all, together like one. Without a doubt, it was their bond.

But one day, while meditating, Kanan felt something new amongst them. Their presence was there and strong, but something felt off, almost out of balance.


Kanan opened his eyes and stood up, donning his mask before exiting his room. He made his way to the common room, as he did so he heard several voices coming from the other side of the door separating the hall and the common room.

"The council can't do this!" Hera cried from the other side

"My sister is out there!"

"I know! Senator Mothma has managed to convince them to extend the search for two days longer!"

The door then opened as Kanan walked in. Hera was standing up out of her seat by the holo chess board, while Zeb and Tristan were standing nearby, with the former folding his arms. Fenn Rau was leaning against the side of the wall next to Hera, arms folded as well. All four were glaring at Kallus, who looked stoic, yet disappointed.

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