Chapter 21 - The Found and Restored

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RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 21 - The Found and Restored


Premise: Ezra and Sabine fight to secure their future.


Ezra, Sabine, and Tristan all stood tensely; they were directly across from Ironwood and his MagnaGuards. The general himself was encased in his own Mandalorian-style armor, over a gray body glove. Holstered at his sides were Sabine's own WESTAR-35 blasters, and her own vambraces were on his wrists. The Darksaber was firmly in his grip, the whistle of its blade ever present.

"Impressed?" he said mockingly, "Made from the very beskar you recovered."

"Frankly, I've seen better." Ezra retorted, "I might as well rip it off of you."

"Oh yeah? You might wanna get in line then." Tristan added, who was just as pissed off like his sister

Ironwood then addressed him, "Let me guess? The brother?"

"You captured my sister and held her hostage." Tristan stated firmly, "That makes you an enemy of my clan."

"I have no quarrel with your people, I only seek to secure my planet's safety." the General brushed his comment as he waved his hand in air in response, "But given the fact that you stand in my way. That makes you an enemy."

The trio remained silent for the most part as both sides started down one another. With only the MagnaGuards activating their electrostaffs to prepare for combat. But it was Ezra that ultimately broke the standoff.

"No, it doesn't." he said as he lowered his stance, "I finally know why you're doing all of this. Why you're so desperate for the Empire's help."

Deciding to play along with the Jedi's statement, Ironwood allowed him to continue, "And what do you think that is?"

"You're afraid." Ezra said boldly, "You're a leader, General. You stand a symbol for your people, you care for them, and you know that you have a responsibility to keep them safe. You told us that night at Beacon, that there were threats on Remnant. Threats that need to be stopped. I believe you, I honestly do. But instead of leading in the moment, you feared for the future, what could happen if nothing was done. So in a desperate attempt, you turned your back on everything stood for and everyone by you, for an evil you deemed necessary. And I understand, trust me."

"And why is that?" Ironwood questioned

"Because I'm like you." Ezra admitted. Tristan and Sabine were surprised at Ezra's bold statement, while Ironwood remained stoic as ever. Even the droids were taken aback slightly. Nonetheless, the young Jedi continued, "I was in your shoes before. I lost my parents and my home to the Empire when I was a kid. When I got a new family, I feared losing them as well. I thought the only way to prevent saving them was to destroy the Empire and the Sith. The darkness almost took me, and Sabine knows it. I was becoming less like myself day after day until I realized that my destiny was never to stop the Sith, but to just be with my family. Now, in the present."

Ironwood looked down as Ezra pressed on, "And then, I ended up here. And...someone close to me changed everything. I felt afraid, I feared the future. As a Jedi, we're taught not to fully give into our emotions. Those that don't, end up falling..."

"And your order is now gone." Ironwood retorted

"You're right, the Order is gone. But the Jedi aren't." Ezra countered, "We've changed, I've changed. And you can too..."

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