Chapter 16 - The Greater Galaxy

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Previously on the Jedi and the Mandalorian...

"A safe and secure society." Ironwood repeated what the Emperor stated, "That is my dream for Remnant. The Empire, is the answer to Remnant's destruction."

"Your way! The old way no longer works! Look where your ideas have gotten us! You are too cautious and afraid to act on anything Oz! You never had the guts to stand up, and fight! But I do! I am fully aware that the Empire is unorthodox! But they are a necessary evil! I will don't whatever it takes to protect all of Remnant!"

"I know everything about you; your occupation, your talents, your strengths, and most of all your actions. As two of the Empire's most wanted criminals. All in part thanks to your droid accessing the CCT. When my military hacked your droid, we found many secrets that put together the puzzle that was our problem. Your Rebellion, a movement to bring the end of the Empire, a noble effort that I do respect. But your droid carries coordinates to a certain...base in the Yavin System."

"This isn't about the crew! Or our friends! Or our families! This is about us!" Sabine stated, "You and me!"

"Sabine...Not a day goes by, when I don't think about you. I...I thought I moved on, I thought I did. But thoughts, my feelings changed. I got to know you, what you like, what you don't like. What makes you laugh, and so on. But at the same time, I changed."

"A kyber crystal..."

"I don't know...where to go on from here...But I can tell you this: I promise you, that I will find a way. A way to overcome my fear."

"Guys we have a situation!" Blake shouted as she got on comms, "ATLAS IS HERE!"

"...I'm sorry..."

"We're not letting her get captured!" Ruby insisted

"Ruby..." Hunter and the clones looked to see Ezra, now awake, approached the comm channel, "Don't go, it's too dangerous. The Bad Batch and I will find a way to get Sabine."

"...It's up to you now. The Gauntlet is the only ship we have with a working hyperdrive...go to the Yavin system and warn them. Find Hera and the others, and tell them I sent you."

Ironwood then ignited the hilt, a whistling sound was heard followed by a black black outlined by a white hue emitted from the hilt. Down on the base, Sabine was restrained and put onto a Manta, bound for the airship.

"...I love you..."


RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 16 - The Greater Galaxy

Premise: While the Gauntlet stops to make repairs, the Rebels must answer one question: What do you fight for?"


Three Y-Wings bombers descended down from the skies over Yavin 4 before landing outside the massive Massassi temple the Rebel Alliance used as their base of operations. Hera got out of the main Y-Wing and met up with the two other pilots.

"Wedge, Hobby, well done." she said to them, "That supply run could've gone awry if you two hadn't defended the convoy."

"Thanks Captain." Hobby replied, "I better report to command, if you'll excuse me."

Hera nodded as she went to file her own report. This was her tenth mission so far since linking up with Rebel Command on Yavin. More missions than she's usually performed.

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