Chapter 13 - The Separatist

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Previously on The Jedi and the Mandalorian...

"So these Jedi...they were peacekeepers...and they could use magic?"

"And your people were wiped out..." Blake muttered in shock, " genocide?"

"This Empire, nearly wiped out the Jedi in mass genocide, using your brothers or clones to perform the act. Took over the Republic and puppeted Mandalore?"

Ezra frowned and shook his head, "Its not just that."

"The Empire subjugates everyone." Sabine continued, "Countless worlds have been occupied by them. They force species into slavery, declare several of them to be non-sentient, and execute those who question their actions!"

"That's the head of a Separatist Super Tactical Droid."

"What was the SDC working on?" Ezra asked him

Eli scratched his chin, "Uh some sort of new robot. I think it was to replace the aging Atlesian AK-130 sentry robots the military's been using. We were shown samples of several unidentified units, including the head of one as well."

"Yes! That's it! I was forced to search its data banks for its primary programming. Then form my own to use for the next line of Atlesian sentry units. But the project has been kept under heavy surveillance. I've been working with a gun pointed at my back ever since I was kidnapped."

"He's right, all units that were discovered were moving out of one place. Vacuo is the only area on Remnant with no discoveries."

"And to further add-on to that, we detected a faint power surge in the region."

"Whoa!" Sun muttered as he watched, "Is he good?"

"Chopper, are you alright!?" Sabine asked

"Rebels..." he muttered, "Galactic...Empire...


RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 13 - The Separatist

Premise: The Rebels learn the truth of the Separatist presence on Remnant.


It was now evening in the remains of Feldspar. Sun and Omega were in the cockpit of the Gauntlet playing dejarak via a hologram Chopper was emitting.

"...Ugh! You've been winning this because you've played this before!" Sun groaned, this was his sixth match against the female clone. The sixth time he lost as well; he hadn't won yet.

"It's popular throughout the galaxy." Omega said to him, "Some people actually make bets while playing."

"I ain't making any bets." the monkey faunus whined, "Especially with you."

Chopper then grumbled in agreement, to which Sun looked at him; he had no idea what the droid was saying,

"Oh don't you start too."

Then the Gauntlet's comm systems went off, "Sun, Omega, are you there?"

Sun raised his arms in the air, "Finally!"

Omega then answered the comms, "We're here Ezra. What's your status?"


"...We're approaching the location now." Ezra answers as he, Sabine, and Blake trekked across the sandy dunes outside Feldspar. It had been an hour or so since the incident regarding Team NDGO; at least they left on good terms with Nebula. The rest of the team didn't take too kindly to them, going as far as abandoning them and attempting to steal the Gauntlet. Omega and Nebula even described the woman who attacked Feldspar using several salvaged droids to Theodore. The old headmaster promised to look into who this person was, even claiming that she sounded familiar.

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