Chapter 12 - The Crown

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Previously on the Jedi and the Mandalorian...

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Sun." Ruby answered

But Sun didn't seem to buy it as he looked at her, "Wait a minute...I know that symbol...You're one of the rebels."

"Slow your roll, girl." Sun brushed her aside, "I'm just jealous that my friends have been kicking it with you rebels. It's cool, and any friend of Blake's is a friend of mine."

"We've heard others talk about you guys in...well...'not-so-friendly' ways."

"I was sent to keep an eye on Paintbomb here, and her boyfriend."


"That wasn't until Ruby and her friends joined you." Qrow retorted, "If you and the others are identified as collaborators in fighting against Atlas the Schnee Dust Company, there could be a crisis all over Remnant."

"And you, the illegal actions you and your friend have committed will not go unnoticed. We do not support vigilantism in Vale, and now the White Fang have become more extreme in their actions against the kingdom! And you will be dealt with by the authorities!"

"Oh I bet." Cardin said smugly, "Fighting animals and the Schnee's lap dogs? Yeah, we know about that. You know there are already people who do that. Us."

"You should give up and let the professionals do their job." another student jabbed


RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 12 - The Crown


Premise: In their search for Separatist tech, the rebels cross paths with a team of huntresses.


Having recovered from his injuries, Ezra quickly began working in tangent with Ozpin on locating the Separatist base. Thanks to the intel recovered at the SDC facility, Tech had been compiling every place Atlas and the SDC recovered Separatist tech.

"This map shows every droid unit discovered by Atlas." Ezra stated as he, Sabine, Ozpin, and Qrow observed it. Chopper was displaying the image.

"They've recovered so much." Qrow muttered as he glared at it, "What they'd find exactly?"

"From what we found along with the Bad Batch, only small droid units." Sabine answered, "They must've spread very thin before receiving the shutdown command. But there's no pattern to begin with."

Just then, Chopper grumbled something. His antenna began to spin as well.

Qrow raised an eyebrow, "What's up with your robot?"

"Incoming transmission." Ezra explained, "Short-range communication, put it through Chop."

The hologram of Remnant disappeared, being replaced with that of Hunter.

"Hunter." Ezra said, "Good to hear from you."

"Same to you, kid." the clone replied, "Headmaster, pleasure to finally speak with you. Sergeant Hunter."

"Sergeant." Ozpin greeted, "Mr. Bridger has informed me of you and your men. I assume you have news?"

"You're correct, Headmaster." Hunter answered

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