Chapter 6 - The Bad Batch

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Previously on The Jedi and the Mandalorian...

"The only information I have acquired is that the Gauntlet's trajectory was headed in the direction of the Unknown Regions." Kallus explained, "A place we have no knowledge."

"She's not alone." Captain Rex added, "Sabine's got Ezra with her kid, Chopper too."

"Jedi and a Mandalorian..." Tristan muttered, "Now there's a partnership unheard of."

"Sabine has spoken highly of Bridger's abilities, and with that I trust they will survive until we find them." Ursa added

"That's the head of a Separatist Super Tactical Droid." Sabine said as she walked up to it

"These people are out there fighting. Fighting a battle that we should be fighting ourselves! The White Fang's raids have been decreasing, and dust shipments have halted."

"We've been called many names before. Criminals, bandits, thieves, terrorists, even anarchists. But we aren't any of those. We're rebels, we fight for others who can't. The White Fang, the SDC, they're subjugating Remnant. Both are evil in their ways. If we don't fight back, who else will?"

"Chop, plug this in, see if we can give it power."

"I'm still skeptical of our new friends." she said to him, "Schnee especially."

"But what if they find out where we're from?"

"1-4-0-9. 1-4-0-9. 1-4-0-9."


RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 6 - The Bad Batch

Premise: The Rebels find a squad of forgotten relics.


Ursa Wren had returned to Yavin 4 to oversee what warriors that were willing to assist the Rebellion. She stood within the req room of the Ghost with Tristan and Fenn Rau at her side. Rex and Zeb were there as well, both on break playing Sabacc.

"...These are all the additional supplies I could provide." Ursa stated as she handed Rau a datapad, "Be sure to use them wisely."

"Understood Mother." Tristan replied with a nod, "I'll inform Senator Mothma."

Ursa then stopped him from leaving, placing a firm hand on his shoulder, "No, Rau you will inform the Senator. Tristan, I need you to assist me in overseeing the transfer."

"Of course Countess." Rau nodded before leaving the room for the Rebel Command Center. Ursa and Tristan followed him, but the former stopped suddenly in the Ghost's main corridor.

"Mother?" Tristan muttered

Ursa then looked at one of the rooms. She could guess all the doors in the corridor held the Ghost crew's living quarters. The room she took notice of was already opened. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, Ursa made her way inside.

The walls of the room were decorated in graffiti art. Along with splashes of various colors, giving the dull atmosphere of the room a brighter and more happier aesthetic. Pictures of stormtrooper helmets crossed out in red, a loth-cat, rebel starbird insignias, and other small works of art were painted on the walls. A mural was plaster on the ceiling of that of the Ghost crew, obviously old as it depicted Kanan still with his eyesight, Sabine with blue and green hair, and a younger Ezra with longer hair.

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