Chapter 11 - The Headmaster

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Previously on the Jedi and the Mandalorian...


"No." he said to her, "Not now. Let them go."

"Are you sure that's a wise idea Professor?" Glynda asked

"How could you all act careless about this? These people are out there fighting. Fighting a battle that we should be fighting ourselves! The White Fang's raids have been decreasing, and dust shipments have halted."

"What's your opinion on this Ice Queen?" Coco then asked Weiss, who glared at the use of her unlucky nickname.

"Well, obviously these people need to be apprehended." she began, "They're attacking my family's company. Like Blake said, we can't ship dust into Vale. Because of them we cower in fear. They deserve to be arrested and tried for their crimes."

"Alright let's not jump to any conclusions ladies."

"My squad has worked with Atlas before. General Ironwood? He's unstable, any major news can make him go over the edge. Imagine what would happen if he discovered the greater galaxy, or even contacted the Empire."

"Anyone, linked to Atlas, the SDC, or even huntsmen academies, cannot be trusted."

"What?" Blake asked, "What is it?"

"Its...its a Jedi Temple..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Maul's voice echoed out in the hall, "How much is she worth to you!? How much!?"


He then fell on his knees and passed out on the ground.


"Get him to his room, I'm preparing the ship."

"Why?" Ruby asked, "Where are we going?"

"There is only one place left..."


RWBY: The Jedi and the Mandalorian

Chapter 11 - The Headmaster

Premise: The crew of the Gauntlet seek help from an ally, but can they trust them?



Snow fell quietly from the gray sky as it covered a Mandalorian stronghold. Within one of its various rooms, a man, clad in noble attire rather than beskar armor, sat in his studies. That was until he heard a quietly giggle.

The man looked up and looked around the room before looked back down at his datapad. Then he heard the giggle once again, smiling he looked underneath the table he was sitting at and saw the form of a young girl, no older than five.

"Well, hello ad'ika." he chuckled as he smiled

"Hi." the girl replied with a big smile

"What are you doing out of bed?" the man asked

"Couldn't sleep."

"Well, let's get you back to bed."


Present Day...

The sky was pitch black, with small twinkling stars scattered around Remnant's shattered moon as the Gauntlet's engines roared through the sky. The ship had just departed Vytal little over a half an hour ago, and was now heading south towards the City of Vale.

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