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Hyunjae'sComfort: I just love the word Lourdes.

Sangyeon'sPrince: This is so suddenly?

Kevin'sMine: Yea it is a pretty word.

Juyeon'sKink: Eh, not really.

Hyunjae'sComfort: I'm saying this out of pure nowhere.

Jacob'sMine: I'm tired. Low Low really doing it for me.

Hak'sLove: Yea and I believe some of us have to get heart machines because of Lo$er/LoVer? So like, it's gonna be a hassle having to answer to a ring every single day.

Hwall'sPeach: Can't even get peace even when we ain't in school. Imagine how it is now. Especially since Wave came out. This is as hard as coke after effects.

Eric'sDaddy: Um, excuse me. What do you know about those??

Hwall'sPeach: Um, chile, anyways-

Q'sMyBby: AHAHA Hak's a crackhead

Sunwoo'sBby: Don't you start this bullshit.

Q'sMyBby: Oh trust me. We haven't started yet, darling *Cruella's voice*

Younghoon'sDoll: Oh my gosh that movie is gold.

New'sBoy: Even though I was forced to see it, I must agree it's amazing. Disney did something with that one.

Kevin'sMine: Bitch still dog crazy. But we know what led up to it.

Jacob'sMine: I'm still wondering if she ever did make that damn dog skin coat.

Younghoon'sDoll: I hope so. Just with someone else's dogs and not the Dalmatians.

Eric'sDaddy: Highly doubt it.

Juyeon'sKink: We love not eating for an entire day.

Eric'sDaddy: I'll beat your ass-

Juyeon'sKink: Don't be having an appetite.

Kevin'sMine: Sweetheart, that's concerning

Jacob'sMine: Someone feed him. Make him eat. That's not fun I promise you it's not.

Younghoon'sDoll: He said he doesn't have an appetite.

New'sBoy: That don't necessarily mean...keep it that way.

Sunwoo'sBby: He's right. When someone says they don't want or need the basic necessities of the day, force them.

Q'sMyBby: Kinda extreme, don't you think?

Sunwoo'sBby: Nope

Sangyeon'sPrince: What lovely soul put a corn dog in the toaster? ☺️

Q'sMyBby: This was not my fault this time.

Sunwoo'sBby: This time?!

Eric'sDaddy: Eric, come on. Let me feed you. You need to eat. No if's, ands, or buts. Let's go.

Juyeon'sKink: I said I'm not hungry-

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