Chapter 45

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Ravanna's POV (Present)

I startled awake, breathing heavily. I had not had that dream in months, any memory of Nadia always hurt. I did not protect her when she needed me.

I search my surroundings and remember where I am, what happened. I am in a bed, Lilith must have put me here. I startle as I worry for my love, quickly looking for her and only relax when I see her in the bed next to mine, throwing off the blankets that were placed over me and moving towards her I grasp her hand.

She looked horrible and I could barely hold back a whimper. She was covered in cuts and wounds, bruises and what looked like broken bones. Her eyelids and the surrounding areas were already turning the color of purple and black, her nose swollen. There were tubes coming out of too many places on her body, a mask on her mouth to help her breathe. Her hair was matted, blood dried in patches, laying limp across the pillow she had been laid down on. Her swollen eyes were shut, her body lifeless and pale.

I felt sick. I was suppose to protect her. I was suppose to keep her away from this. My chest aches and my lungs refuse to take in any more air.

The love of my life was in ruins because I failed to keep her safe. I felt a sob building deep in my throat and my face began to skew as I tried to prevent that very first breath that would lead to it.

But all I kept seeing was her face as I forced the arrow out of her side, all I could hear was her pained cry.

I stood from my seat and buried my head into her shoulder as I screamed.

I hate him.

I hate him.

The one thing in my life that has made me happy in over a millennia and he wants to take it away?

I continued to sob and maybe that was way I failed to notice Lucifer come up behind me. He laid his hand on my shoulder, not pulling me away but merely letting me know he was there.

"Shh, it's alright," he said. "I'm so proud of both of you, you've both done so well. But that's enough for now, it was cruel of them to make you fight so many, it seems that they didn't expect us to be able to defeat him. It's going to be alright my child," he whispered, "it's not your fault, she's going to be alright."

His hand stayed on my shoulder, and I kept my head where it was.

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