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TW/CW: Death

Prompt: N/A

Characters: Gem

Style: Backstory

Word Count: ~320

AU: Mortuus AU


The rain pelted against the wall. It was that kind of rain that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Lightning struck nearby, it's thunder charging across the sky towards her. She huddled beneath a pile of blankets, trying to block out the sound.

Gemini knew why she was scared of thunderstorms, but she didn't used to be. She could remember running through the forest as lightning danced across the sky, not rushing to get inside. To get away. Something changed. Something happened cause her fear. Now she couldn't do anything if she heard thunder or saw lightning. All she could do was run to find a way out of the storm.

She shivered, wishing that Doc and Ren hadn't built their lightning tower so close to her base. It was late but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. Each strike of lightning sent miniature shocks down her arms, almost unnoticeable to anyone else.

She remembered that day like it was yesterday. The rain had been pelting down, crashing though the leaves above. Thunder shook around her as she crashed to the ground. It was late, but that hadn't stopped them.

They had chased her from her home in the Clearing, everyone knew hybrids were good money in The City. They hadn't meant to kill Gem; they knew she was worth more alive. All it took was one wrong shot. One shot just an inch too far to the left.

[GeminiTay perma-died]

She woke up in a hole. Someone sat on the other side, about 10 blocks away. They were messing with some sort of magical device. Something beeped in her pocket, she pulled out a device similar to the strangers. A single message flashed on the screen:

Welcome to Hermitcraft! Enjoy your stay, you have reached your final destination.

I hope you enjoyed this one, until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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