What Did It Do This Time?

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Prompt: N/A

Characters: Cyrus, Wels

Style: Crack

Word Count: ~720

AU: Mortuus AU


"I'm an idiot."
That was all Cyrus could think in its current situation. Alone, in a jail cell, at 4 in the morning. It knew exactly what it had done to get there; It didn't regret it, but it knew that its brother would probably give it a lecture whenever they saw each other next.

"Hello?" It called out to the guard who was sat at a desk in the other room. The dark-haired individual looked up and answered,
"Aren't I allowed one call?" Cyrus made sure that it sounded positively bored, almost like it had been to prison half a dozen times (spoiler: it had). If it was gonna go down, it may as well have some fun with it.
"Yes. Would you like to use it now?"
"No, I want it in exactly 5 minutes and 27 seconds. Of course I want it now." The guard chuckled and brought a communicator over to it.
"You have 5 minutes." Cyrus typed Wels' number into the keypad - which it had memorised after the first few arrests - and, waiting for him to pick up, asked the guard,
"How much was my bail again?"
"50 diamonds." When Wels' picked up he sounded tired. Cyrus knew they normally got up around this time, so they must not have had his coffee yet.
"It's Cyrus." Wels stifled a yawn and answered,
"What did it do this time?"
"No, it's actually me."
"What did you do this time."
"Before I tell you, do you have 50 diamonds to spare?" Wels paused on the other side of the line, as if he was trying to understand something before they replied,
"You got arrested again, didn't you."
"It was for a good reason this time!"
"You do realise how stupid that sounds? Plus, what server are you on?"
"Yeah... I'm on Swordcraft."
"Don't get in any more trouble."
"Ok-" before it could finish the guard interrupted,
"Times up, say bye." Cyrus glared at the guard, who it now noticed looked suspiciously like someone it knew.
"See you later." It hung up on Wels and passed the communicator back to the guard. It sat down on the small bench in the cell and waited for its brother to show up.

After Cyrus had hung up, Wels took a moment to let the information sink into his caffeine deprived brain. Their brother was currently sat in a jail cell with a 50 diamond bail price. Not that he expected any less. It was always getting into these situations.

Being careful not to make too much noise, they went to his storage system and searched around for the diamonds and a notebook. Was it bad that he had over 100 pages filled with descriptions of times Cyrus had gotten in trouble?

Logging out of Hermitcraft, he searched through the many servers that he had been on until they found the one they were looking for. Swordcraft was his and Cyrus' home server. He clicked the log in button and felt the familiar sensation that would carry them into the server.

Appearing in his barely standing childhood home, he set off to the guard station that sat on Whithorn Road. As they walked, he wondered what Cyrus had done this time. The bail wasn't high enough to be anything really serious, but it wasn't low enough to be something that he could just ignore.

They stood outside of the medieval building that was well known for its reputation of being impossible to escape. He had never liked this place. They didn't know why he hated it; he just did. Entering the building, he headed straight to the guard at the bail desk. The guard looked up and asked,

"Who ya bailing out?"

"Cyrus Knight." The guard searched through a pile of files until he found Cyrus',

"The bails' 50 diamonds, are ya sure?"

"Yea." Wels passed the guard 50 diamonds and waited as the guard stood and went to unlock Cyrus' cell.

Once they were outside, Wels asked his sibling,

"What actually was it that you did?"

"Well..." Cyrus told the story as they made their way back to Hermitcraft, with Wels noting parts of importance down in Cyrus' crime list; he was going to need to start a new one soon.

Cyrus finished the story with,

"I promise I'll never do it again."

"We both know that's a lie."


I think this is my favourite one shot so far. I really enjoyed writing this one! This oneshot does have a part 2 titled 'What it Did'. Until next time, bye! ~Mors

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