Cup Of Coffee

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Prompt: N/A

Characters: Bdubs, Doc

Style: Crack/ fluff

Word Count: ~550

AU: Mortuus AU


Bdubs swore that Doc didn't take any breaks. Every single time he saw the cyborg creeper he was working on some sort of redstone contraption or insane build. He was currently watching him build an automatic storage system. Having nothing to do himself, Bdubs shouted over to him,

"Hey Doc! You look like you're about to drop down dead!"

"Well why don't you make yourself useful and make me a coffee!" Doc yelled back at him.

"You're gonna regret asking me to do it!"

"Wasauchimmer..." Doc went back to the complicated redstone and hoppers that made up the contraption. He had slept just last night! Or was it last week? It didn't matter to him anyway. He had lived off coffee and energy drinks for weeks at a time before. It wasn't healthy, but he didn't really care.

Meanwhile, Bdubs was actually getting worried about Doc. He knew that the other had a tendency to overwork himself, often to the point of passing out in the middle of a contraption. In his opinion, Doc needed sleep, not coffee. However, he also knew that Doc was extremely stubborn and, if anyone directly told him to sleep, he would be even more likely to work until he physically couldn't work anymore.

A few minutes later, Bdubs was stood next to Doc with a cup of coffee,

"Here you go Doc! A nice hot cup of coffee!" He passed Doc the cup of coffee who instantly noted,

"This is cold."

"A nice cup of coffee." Bdubs knew that something wasn't correct about the cup of coffee. He had warned Doc that he would regret asking him for it. Doc took a sip and instantly made a disgusted face,

"It's horrible."

"A cup of coffee..." Bdubs was struggling to sound disappointed about how Doc was reacting to the drink. He could barely hold his laughter in.

"Is this even coffee?" Doc questioned. He was extremely confused with how suspicious Bdubs was acting.

"Cup." Bdubs knew that the strong sedatives he had put in it would kick in soon.

"What did you do to this coffee, Bdubs?"

"I decided that if you won't willingly go to sleep, I'll make you!"

"... Imma kill you when i wake up."

"You do that" Bdubs caught Doc as he passed out.

Carefully making his way up to Doc's bright pink room, he made a mental note to thank Stress for those sleeping pills. Putting his fellow Hermit in bed, he remembered Doc's reaction once he found the very room they were in. The mix of shock and anger as he realized that he had been pranked. Of course, this had been back at the beginning of the season when he and Doc were having a bit of a disagreement. It reminded him a bit of season 5 when it was the nHo against the world. He chuckled, remembering all the things that had happened. The jungle that had slowly infected him, the retirement home that Wels had built and the unfair taxes that they had tried to enforce. He didn't know where he would be by now if he had never joined the server. What he did know, however, was that he wouldn't trade it for the world.


I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy writing them. Until the next time, bye! ~Mors

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