Triangle Arch (4)

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My beloved Readersssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!

Do you miss meeee??????

U_UII sowwy for the disturbance in this intro


Author has brought you a new chapter of Triangle Arch!

OwO it will be exciting!

Read it!

Ultraman belong to Tsuburaya

Author not owning the fanart



The battle between Hudra and Darramb vs Tiga is one sided. Tiga is having a hard time maintaining his posture to defend and attack. Thankfully for him, the other Giants stop attacking, watching carefully the battle in front of them. Not that it makes Tiga feel more relieved. He feels like being played with a spectator betting on him.

"I'm betting you will be defeated in the next 10 minutes"

Tiga: It's best for you to shut your mouth!

Darramb: Surrender, My King. It's the easiest salvation

Tiga: I'm sorry, I refuse*grimacing at the wound*

Hudra: Awwww~ what with this formal talk?~ Ah, I'm reminiscing the time when we enjoy talking to conquer the Universe

Tiga frowning at the mention of past memory. He blames himself for everything that he has done.... destroy a galaxy without feeling any remorse make him sick.

Tiga: I'm not the same!

Hudra: Now you're in denial~ Believe it or not, you still the same

Tiga stunned to his core.

"...I'm.... stil... the same?' The past memory coming back to haunt him. He is not expecting an attack from Darramb.

Darramb: Fire Magnum!

Darramb slams his fist full of energy to the ground creating a desrtuctive shockwave of explosion.

"MOVE!!" the screaming voice in his head wake Tiga from his daze only to realize he couldn't dodge the attack.



A big explosion can be heard around the dimension.

Max: What was that?!

Team Seven is surveying the crack. Max and his teammates can hear the disturbance.

Cosmos: Explosion like that... must be a big battle

Orb: You don't have to explain it, we can sense that

X: Orb....

To X, Orb side talk is a bit harsh.

Seven: I don't care about your fight, but if I ever see all of you not coordinating in the fights.. let just say you will have a nice session with me

Seven's deathglare give them gooseboom, even the situation is more bearable than Seven's dark face.

Max: ... Universe give me strength....

X: ... Daichi... I wanna go back home (T^T)

Orb: ... Why the Universe is cruel to me? Having a killer leader like him...

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