A Thousand Years

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Good days, Readers

Author bringing a new chapter

This chapter is a bit melancholic

I hope you like it

Author not owning the Fanart above

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya

Let us sing the song


A Thousand Years

Heart beats fast
The first time I meet you, you give me the sweetest smile that I've ever seen. My chest is fluttering everytime I saw that tiny glossy mouth bloom into a laughter. I feel the whole universe is centered on you.

Colors and promises
You give me a reasons to stay, to enjoy every moments. You lights up my world, when darkness holding me like a servant. Your existence is the only guide that I have. You are the only thing that I care. My pledge to you that never be broken.

How to be brave
Can I cherish you? Can I love you? I want to be cherished. I want to be loved. I want to be brave and patients for you. Like how you're brave to overcome your fear of me. You jump for me, grab me from the vagueness of nothingness. You are the power of my life.

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
Fear holding me to catch you. My fear resist me to love you, I'm afraid of rejection. I'm afraid my heart will be broken. I'm afraid you will leave me alone without answer. I'm falling to deep. I want you to be by my side. 

But watching you stand alone
I can only watch you from far away. I can't stand it. Lonely I saw in your face. Your face full of worry and longing. Give me chance. Count on me.

All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
Your hesitation is my urgent. I need to say this. I can't hold it anymore. When I tell you on how much I love you, you're suprised. Never expecting me to confess.

One step closer
Reaching you is my salvation. Step by step I grasp your heart. I'm too attached to you. I can't let go.

I have died everyday, waiting for you
If just by seeing you can cause severe heartattack I would have died many time for taking a glance on your beautiful face. I will do anything for you, beloved one.

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
In here I stand for your existence. You told me to find somebody. You scream at me because you're not perfect, not good enough for me. You says you're not worth anything. But, to me you're the center of my universe. You don't have to be scared. I will always be by your side. I will be waiting for a thousand of years. Watching you for everything that will endanger and hurting you. I choose you because I love you. 

I'll love you for a thousand more
I has fallen to you for eternity. My love is for you. You're my clarity. You're my sanity. You're my everything. So please, don't go away.

Time stands still
Minute became hours, hours become days, days become months. For the first time in my life, this is the most happiest memory that will ternally engraved in my soul. We experiences, what is mean to be one. To be together never part away. 

Beauty in all she is
Elegance is your spirit. Your eyes glimmer like the stars. Your soft voice, is melodies to my ears. Your gentle caress is the softest touch of warm. Your gigles is the rhyme of my emotion. You're the only one that can control me.

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