Triangle Arch (1)

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Is it okay for Author to talk a bit long?

Well, Author is stressed....

I don't know anymore...

And I don't care....

*sighing* Author need some breath and this is the breath that I need

Please don't follow my example, okay?

When you get an assignment, please make sure to finish it first

Forget about the statement above...... Author don't want to make Readers stressed more..

Well, this is a new arch~

Yes I know, Readers would think... "Why know? After 25 indepedent chapter, why know?" because to be honest..... Author don't know too...


I hope you love it~

Ultraman is Tsuburaya creation

Fanart above is owned by モルハラ



Tiga is having the bad day ever in his entire life.

"Good day to you, my otherself" says the voice mockingly. Tiga stay silent ignoring the voice.

"Oh..... you choose to be silent.... fine I can torment you more throughly" the voice chuckling in his mind. This condition keep happening since the time he saw that 'accident'. Usually the voice would just converse shortly then gone. But it seems that 'accident' trigger something more deep inside of him. His nerves is going hirewire at the prospect of losing another chances. A chances to have family.

"You know.... He is not that particulary strong either he is brave...."

"He is the best among the best" the voice seems to know how to make his other half start talking.

"Well, if I have to pick. I will pick that young one with the twin slugger. He is strong...... imagine the child...."

"Nope. He has been corrupted with darkness, once" Tiga steel mind leave no argument.

"Hm! Your standart is too high. A clean Ultra without any darkness inside he/she? Are you trying to fool me? There is no way we can find someone as high as your criteria!"

"But I found him" that answer make the misterious voice silent. Tiga want to sigh in relief, but the voice start to talk again.

"A being like us, fall to Mixed breed? Are you serious?"

"The one you recommend is actually Mixed breed too"

"Why can't you just hog that flat-face"

"You mean Nexus?"

"Who else, he is the only one who somehow fall in the same race as us"

"No, I want him" Tiga still choose what his heart wanted.

"Then why are you still waiting? Why are you not start courting him?"

"He is too young. He still have a bright future ahead. I don't want to take it away from him" for once Tiga is taken by dilema. Age is one of the factor that could prevent a union. And he is afraid of the same tragedies happening again.

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