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Readers, hello to you for me

I hope every one still fighting Covid-19

Oh I almost forgot , Happy Father Day

+500 viewers !!!!!!! I must say Thank You to you all who keep reading this Drabble  

I got request making father son moments

So this chapter is Father and Son bonding, perfect for Father Day

Author is not the owner of Ultraman

If Ultraman is real I will ask Seven to destroy the virus and ask Hikari to find the antitode



Another day in Space Garrison. There are many ultras come and go. Some asking for information, few asking for new mission, and many do their own thing. We see Ultraman Seven talking with another 'Ultra with X as his color timer. He known as Ultraman X.

Seven: How is the situation near Planet W-Y35?

Gazing at statistic in his hand

X : The condition at the Planet is under control

Seven: What Orb and Ginga status?

X: Right know they are doing well, although Ginga got caught in beam. Oh, he said they will finish the mission in an hour.

His hand is typing coordinate to his friend

Seven: Right. When they arrive in here, make sure he go straight to medical wings

X: Yes, sir.

Today is Seven inspection on missions gathering. He is making sure ultras in here doing their job. As much as he hate it, Seven prefer more on undertaking mission than stand by at here. His other brother are performing task in different universe, so yeah Space Garrison right know under his command. Even the so called lay down Ultraman Ace got missions form Ultra Father. He is getting more frustated as time pass by. An Ultraman gain his attention, he see a symbol V with yellow crystal.

Seven: 'What is he doing in here' Victory!

Victory who heard his name called by someone saw Seven in the hall way.

Victory: Seven-san finnaly I found you!

Seven: Is there something that you need?

Victory: Ah, um, no. I saw this package in front of my place and read that this box is for you

Victory give the box to Seven, in which Seven accept it.

Seven: Thanks, I guess. Sorry, your time is wasted searching for me

Victory: No at all, I actually want to wait for Ginga. We will be having some discussion with Nexus

Seven: You don't have to wait longer, they will be back in half an hours

Seven bring the box to his office. He is curious, on who give him this package. Opening the box is an easy deal, but the inside make him speechless. In his hand there is a shirt with word saying 'Best Father of The Year'. To be honest Seven didn't expect something like this.

?: Suprise!

Seven: S***

Seven twisted his body and find himself face to face with his son. Zero come form a portal, only his upper body can be seen by Seven.

Seven: sooo, do you like my gift?

Seven: really, Zero? Do you need to give me a heart attack?

Zero: But is fun!

Seven: This is yours?

Zero: That is for you

Seven: so, what is this?

Zero: You know, I heard that today on Earth people celebrate, um........ Father day, sooooo

Zero is flustered, to shy to continue what he want to said. Somehow Seven mind connected, no wonder his brothers panicking before taking missions. They want to give a gift to Ultra Father and it seems Ultra Father know about this. Seven is smiling, this is the first time Zero give him something precious. He is quite touched that Zero acknowledge him as his father even after everything happened. Zero looking around Seven Office, don't want to meet his father eyes.

Seven: Thank you

Seven stroking Zero head. Zero blushing so hard. Seven chuckle at Zero bashful act.

Zero: uh.. do you like it?

Seven: I do

Zero: Hufft, I guess I have to say thanks to them

Seven: Who?

Zero: Rosso and Blu, they are the one who give me the idea

Seven : I think you should

Zero: Uh... thats all, I still have something to do in here. Good bye, old man!

Zero gone just like that even before Seven finishing his word. Truly, what a tsundere son.

Seven: You know Zero, I'm extremely happy that you give me a gift. But I think you should be the one who choose the shirt. How come the words said 'Best Father of The Year' but the image behind it is a tooth. My son it looks like your time in Earth with Geed doesn't give you a good sense of culture. How can I wear this with dignity!. Or are you purposely give me this to make me look like an idiot!. You are really need to be diciplined, dear son. ZERO!!!! YOU BETTER COME BACK HERE!!!

Seven shout is strong enough to shake Space Garrison building. Everyone inside thinking in the same line on what kind of stupid thing that Zero have done to get the ire of his father. While Seven in his office still nagging into 'how to tame my wild son'.



Victory: I have already said to him that it was a foolish idea

Ginga: I just hope we will survive after this

Orb: I bet half of Space Garrison will be destroyed

X: Let's hope Space Garrison still standing under this storm

Nexus: Why does something like this happend when I'm not in mission *to tired for all of this*



I hope you enjoy reading this chapter


Author out

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