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Author bring you a 'chapter'

This chapter is inspired by the mumbled and jumbled mind of Author

An exercise before doing the 'ToD" chapter

Prepare your tissue if you need

Sit tight because this chapter is a bit....... who knows?

Be careful!

Fanart above is owned by emcee

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya



Zero, Geed, and Z is currently on one of the bridge in IGDF Monitoring Division. They get some urgent mission and right know about to go to Mission Gathering floor. Zoffy has assigned them to gather in room 98.

Zreo: Mission after another mission

Geed: Mission is fun!

Z: I'm full with Ultra-spirit!

Zero: Slow down would you? I need to ask where do you get that energy?

Z: From eating a balance food and enought exercising

Geed: He is not asking that, Z

Z: Ehh??

The corridor is empty, a fresh breeze giving them the calm atmosphere. Well it was calm untill they hear some noise in one of the room which is supposed to be the briefing room.


Oh, okay they didn't expect that.

Zero: The F***?!

Geed: Heh?!

Z: What's wrong?

Zero: Who the f*** doing 'it' in this place!

With curiosity spiking up, the three Ultra getting close to the door of that said room which letting out that sound.

"Agh~, Victory~~!"

Zero: The hell!! Aren't that Ginga voice??!!

Geed: Husst Zero! Shut up I'm trying to hear

Z: Eh??? What Victory-senpai doing at there with Ginga-senpai?

Zero and Geed don't know how to explain something like this to Z.

Geed: Uhhhhhh.........????

Zero: You still young. Keep quite! Why the hell they do it in here!

"Victory~~~ It's too deep~~"

Know they hear another moan with more erotic visualization on that.

Geed: Um..... I think we should get out from here?

Z: Is Victory-senpai hurting Ginga-senpai?

Zero: Damn it! How bold of them doing it in this room! How are we gonna get briefed!

Geed: Um.... maybe we can wait for them to finish

Zero: And hear that freaking moan???

"Stop moving Ginga! I can't get it right!"

"But it's...."

"What happen if I accidently hurt you?"

"Hiks... sorry"

The three person behind the door is silent at hearing that. Zero is blushing hard and Geed is trying his hardest to close Z ears.

Z: Hm?

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