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K'aruh & K'tal

Unaware another ship entered earths atmosphere just minutes before them, K'aruh opened a portel that lead to earth.

The moment their ship emerged behind earth's moon, K'aruh activated the cloacking system to avoid detection. Humans weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but they did have enough technology to give them a hard time. Hunting them was a lot more fun these days, but also far more challenging, only today wasn't the time for an human hunt, this was the hunt for another challenging opponent.
Looking forward to the hunt, K'aruh was also concerned about K'tal. The boy was actually much too young for this hunt, but since they were closest to Earth, his job was to get rid of the bitch and her, almost certain, progeny. Unable to suppress his excitement, he clicked his mandibles several times.

K'tal looked at his sire, he felt the hunters' excitement, all he wanted to do was make him proud of him, after all they shared the same blood. If only he wasn't so nervous all the time, he knew he was a good hunter, he just failed again and again in showing it. Maybe today, he got the chance to show his sire what he was capable of.

The ship slowly sank down into the dense forest of the Øvre Anárjohka nasjonalpark, not that either of them cared. The only thing K'aruh was thankful of, was that it wasn't a populated area. The chance of more than six humans getting involved was close to nothing...


An annoying loud, sharp, whistling sound made him aware off his environment. A thick blanket of smoke made him gag and couch, he had to get out, but was stuck underneath a heavy piece of flooring. His ship had crash-landed upside down, and now he was stuck between a wall, the flooring and his control panel. Pauk!

With all the strength he could muster, Valk pushed the big floor plate aside as far as he could, and crawled out, aware of the wound in his side had reopened from the crash.
He had to salve as much armoury as possible before the whole thing blew up. Only a couple of minutes after he left the ship, the thing exploded, hurling him away as if he were a leaf on a breeze. Lucky for Valk, he landed in a small lake and got away with just a few extra bruises.

Thankfully the ship had a nice stash of healing liquids on board, which he'd grabbed even before the weapons, a weapon was no use if his body wasn't able to handle it due to all the injuries he sustained in his escape, and the crash that followed. Sure, he was stronger and healed faster than the average Yautja, but he wasn't immortal and could bleed out just like any other, without the proper medication.
Luckily for him, it was still summer and the water still pleasant, so his body didn't cramp when he got into the water.

Valk found himself a nice secluded place between the river bank, dense busses and some rocks, and started to tent to is wounds. It took him a while to finish all of them, especially the big one on his back, and it hurt like hell, which was strangely satisfying. When he was finally done, he closed his eyes for just a moment, or so he thought...


She liked the music of The nineties, no doubt about that, but tonight Kenzi was in the mood for a bit more rock. Being married for two years now, to a sweet and gentle man, was the best thing that happened to her, at least that what she kept telling herself.
He definitely was the best kisser in the world, but the sex was, well..., lousy. Mark was gentle, totally focused on her satisfaction, just like a couple of minutes ago. Kenzi knew she should be happy with that, but the truth was, it was annoying. Kenzi wanted a man that would push her up against the wall, and acted, well..., like a man... dominant, everything, Mark would never ever be... Just like now, he was so tender and sweet, she had almost had the urge to kick him, so in order to get over with it quickly, she faked another orgasm, as usual... She felt like an ungrateful bitch.

"Hey girl, I bet you're going to like this!" Babs walked up to her, her glass of white wine high above her head, and wiggling her hips.

"Your drunk, sweetheart! Better watch out, you don't trip and fall flat on your face, with those suggestive moves of that big ass of yours!" She couldn't help bursting out in laughter seeing, Babs, her best friend, strolling up to her like that.

Kenzi was glad, her best friend decided to join them on their trip. Practically every one was a friend of Mark, not hers. It wasn't like she didn't like them, they just weren't her friends, their humour was different, they all, without exception had important jobs, an architect, doctor, dentist, head of care and welfare..., just to name a few, while she was just a caregiver for the elderly.
She loved her job and cared deeply for "her" residents, but when Mark's friends visited, she felt like an idiot. The problem was, she didn't care about politics or the newest technology, or any kind of their so-called interesting topics for that matter. Music, art, movies, books, and people...

Babs, was an artist, and worked in a small gallery, so she also didn't fit into this "self-made" group, but she couldn't care less, Kenzi loved her for that.
"Nah, I go down to the lake and take a short dive. I'll be back in 15 minutes, okay?" Not knowing it would be the last time she saw her friend alive.


He woke up by the sound of splashing water, his whole body ached, but his wounds were already starting to heal. Still, Valk had no idea, where he had landed, so checking out what was causing the splashing sound was the smartest thing to do. Maybe it would even provide him with a nice trophy.
Carefully, he sneaked up to the creature, adjusting his vision.

"Earth..." His head started buzzing, this wasn't good. Of all the places he could have send his ship to, his stupid brain had chosen this backwater planet..., the humans had pretty advanced technology, so he could already have been detected.

He wasn't afraid of them, humans, we're weak, but they were also very cunning, and with no ship, they could be rather annoying.
Valk watched the human, slowly, almost lazy making its way back to the riverbank, and squinted his eyes. It was a tiny, round human female. Human women weren't the prettiest females he'd met, but, he'd seen uglier ones. Most of the time the females were physically weaker than their male congeners, but they were incredibly cunning and resourceful, Valk could appreciate such quality.

He watched her put on a shirt, and a piece of cloth she wrapped around her hips, and walk away, when his hearing suddenly was filled with ghastly screams. Without having to see what happened further up ahead, Valk knew what was going on there, Kiande amedha...
So the woman wasn't alone, there were more humans, this one only been lucky, not being present when the serpent attacked and impregnated her victims. He was curious if she would be stupid enough to go back and try to help her companions.

But if there was a serpent, that meant there would also be at least one Yautja...
The moment this crossed his mind, his wrist gauntlet started to flash, this meant there were hunters close by...


Hearing the horrible screams coming from her friends, Kenzi rushed over to the camp site, but as she reached the edge of the forest, she saw her husband and Babs being attacked by a hideous creature. She watched in horror, with her hands trying to silence the sobbing sound that came out of her mouth. Even though tears were blurring her sight, she could see the creature sitting on top of Babs, with something coming out of its bizarre shaped head, the others were just lying there not moving. Unable to see exactly what was happening, Kenzi knew by the scene evolving in front of her, she had to get out of there.
Kenzi turned around, trying to get away as quietly as possible, the moment she thought she was far away enough, Kenzi started to run as fast as she could, not knowing and not caring where she was running to.

(Kiande amedha: hard meat/xenpmorph)
(Pauk: Fuck)

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