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K'aruh & K'tal

K'aruh thought he'd seen everything and couldn't be surprised any more, but seeing the human woman, diverting the abomination's interests from K'tal to her, was nothing more than heroic.

He'd really underestimated a humans courage, at least this females courage. She'd already surprised him by tending to K'tals wounds when he was injured, he knew she must have seen de green blood, but she kept on helping him any way, and now this...

The abomination had followed the woman into the forest, and they hadn't returned. So either, the woman was still running for her live trying to escape the giant Yautja and he was still chasing her, or..., most likely, she was dead, and he wasn't interested in them any more, either way, he had to get to K'tal, to see if the boy was still alive.

Due to the massive loss of blood, it took K'aruh some time to get up and to get over to his pupil. He felt relieved when he saw that the boy was merely unconscious.

His wrist gauntlet, suddenly, started to beep, and the old warrior looked up at the darkening sky, the giant bastard had stolen his ship.

K'aruh entered an emergency code, and started to scan the area for a secluded place where they could hide until they would be retrieved by one of their own.

Valk & Kenzi

Although Valk heard her cry, he was too busy creating an additional false trail for his pursuers to care.

It took quite some time to make sure the false trail was properly set up in the onboard computer, that the computer could broadcast as an alternate trail to its pursuers if necessary, creating further confusion.
His back felt stiff, and he got up to stretch. Valk noticed that everything had quiet down and the woman wasn't in the steam room anymore. Truthfully, he hadn't heard anything for a while...

His eyes caught a pile of fabric in the far end of a corner, and remembered that after he'd left her in the steaming room, he left her a large cloth at the entrance of the room, for her to dry herself with, if necessary. That cloth was now laying in that corned and Valk realised the woman was all wrapped up in it.
Instead of lying down on the bunk he'd pulled out, he hadn't taken time to investigate any of the rooms present at the ship, she'd rather made herself as small as possible in a corner on the ground.

Valk laughed. As if that were of any use, it wasn't that she could hide from him anywhere on this ship.
He walked up to her and squatted by her feet, the woman was fast asleep.

Too bad..., for her... Her scent had rekindled his sexual arousal and now there was nothing to stop him from exploring her body.

She lay on top of most of the large piece of cloth, making it easy for him to throw the fabric off of her body. Valk saw her opening her eyes, carrying the haziness of a deep sleep, not quite aware of her surroundings until she caught sight of him.

Her eyes widened, and she tried to scurry away from him, which was impossible as she tried to hide herself in a corner.

"What do you want from me?" Her whispery voice trembled, and she pressed her back to the wall behind her.

A dark rumble emerged from his throat, and his mandibles clicked together.

"You are going to carry my offspring..." And again, his strange sounds were translated for her to understand.

Kenzi blinked her eyes. The computer translated his words wrong, he couldn't have just said what was translated, right?

"I'm sorry but what do you want from me?" She tried again.

Caught, A Yautja fantasy story. Tales from another world.Where stories live. Discover now