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A loud shrieking sound, caused K'aruh to jump up from his chair, knocking over his half full mug with C'nlip.


His heart was pounding in his chest. What in Paya's name was that noise?
But the moment his thoughts got clear from his slumber, an emergency light started to flash.


Engine failure...

After he cleaned up the mess he made, K'aruh made his way to the engine room and immediately spotted the problem. One of the main fusion relais, died out, causing the engine to drop out of warp speed, he had no choice but to take a detour and make a pit stop at Vas Brec naDir, a place where he definitely didn't want, or should be seen, even though he knew that 'whatever happened on Vas Brec naDir, stayed on Vas Brec naDir...'
The station, he was told, was a breeding ground for criminals and other dishonorable rabble, so... he'd probably be save from the prying eyes of the spies from Primes Elders...

Although the station was as old as he could remember, no one knew who made it or where it came from.
The station was run by an android-like race, but wasn't made by them, not even the Engineers had a clue who built this lonely giant.
Despite it's age, the station looked brand new. Once every hundred years the station started to vibrate vigorously, this lasted exactly 200 hours, after that, the whole station looked like it had been reset, all that was left from before the vibrations, were the living creatures that were present, everything else was gone.

Being an honorabele Yautja, K'aruh probably would be in a lot of trouble if his clan found out he'd been there, they would probably mark him as Bad Blood.

K'aruh shrugged, he'd already took off from Yautja Prime, without permission. Most Yautja loved living as long as they did, but he didn't, he'd seen and done everything he had his mind set on, his life had become..., well..., boring.
This search for the truth about his brother, was a welcome life changer, and if this meant banished and branded Bad Blood..., so be it...

K'aruh straightened his shoulders and headed back to the control room. It would take him two days to reach the station, so he had enough time to remodel an old bio-mask, to avoid recognition, from other Yautja.

Two days later, sometime around noon, K'aruh arrived in Vas Brec naDir. He put his ship on autopilot and the ship navigated itself perfectly to the dock, giving him time to observe the different types of creatures busily loading and unloading their cargo. It was like the bustling markets on Prime, K'aruh thought to himself, and this was just one of the docks.

After he secured his ship, K'aruh manouvered through the crowded corridors, filled with spicy scents of bodies and spices, laughter and chatter, until he finally reached the shop he'd contacted to get his fusion relais and some other engine components.

As he was waiting for the owner to get his stuff, he noticed a tall slender male with long white hair, casually hanging over the railing harassing someone one floor below.

Though not naturally curious, K'aruh could not contain himself and made a wary movement to see who the white-haired man was taunting.
The voice of the creature below that triggered K'aruh's curiosity, it was raw, and throaty but had certain characteristics of the clicking sounds Yautja made, and sounded somehow strangely familiar and yet totally different. Al this combined intrigued K'aruh.

Arriving at the railing it became immediately clear who the white-haired creature was challenging.

On the floor below, stood a gigantic Yautja, at least the first impression of him, was Yautja, but when K'aruh looked more closely, he saw that the male had some sort of snout with fangs like those of a..., lycan? It did have the mandibles and rubbery tube like hairs like he had, it's skin was also that of the Yautja, but where Yautja had no hair on their bodies, this creature had long hair on its forearms and a strip of hair ran from its neck to well below its back, this was hardly visible through the shirt he was wearing.

Caught, A Yautja fantasy story. Tales from another world.Where stories live. Discover now