Chapter 1 : The arrival

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Happiness,laughter, smiles and the sense of belonging is all I could feel in this area. Arriving at this new home makes me feel happier than happy, I can't lie, I hated my old community. I hated my life when I lived there. I even hated myself for having so much of hate. Arriving here just seems... well it's great. It's a good house, perfect neighbourhood and the distance from here to school is not that far. I'll walk. " Out with the old, in with the new. Goodbye past hello present " I say as I throw myself on my bed. All the stuff has been packed and now everyone is just resting. By everyone I mean my two sisters ( Candice(9) and Tina(15)) and the parents. By the way I'm Angelic and I'm 18. Going to start my matric year in 2 weeks and at a new school, how awkward! But it's worth the adventure. Laying on my bed I think about what I wanna do here, the friends I would like to have and how I wanna behave at school. Im a good girl but I probably wanna just go bad just for the sake of... Well I don't know of what but I think being a bad girl for just a year won't be that awkward right? Yeah it probably would so I won't. Sports? Me? Nah! Art? Me? Nah! What do I want to do? Umm nothing just work hard and excel in my exams. Argh I'm such a nerd! I got off my bed and went to shower, got dressed in PJ's as it was already 7pm and went downstairs to find something to eat. I got there and found the family watching TV some dumb series. Im not a TV person or a phone person or laptop just everything thats a device is not my thing. But get me a book/s and write me cute letters then we'll be best friends forever. I guess I'm an old soul. I got to the kitchen and prepared something small to eat and dad Joined me. "So what do you think of this new home Angel" I smiled at him,"I think it's quite big and fancy and cool because I got my own room " he laughed, "I knew you would like it, so in a week's time you'll be in matric and how exactly does that feel because you know my situation" I saw that dad is saddened by the fact that he didn't make it to matric but he still made it in life. I don't know what he's sad about. Just imagine all those people whom finished their matrices and still didn't get to go to college or get a decent job. I finally spoke, " first of all dad you don't have to be all sad that you didn't get that opportunity, imagine those who got that opportunity and now have no jobs and no money for college. You should be happy that opportunity missed you because you wouldn't be where you are now. Look ,you have businesses ruining, you have a wonderful wife and you have me!..." He smiled, I continued," ... Nevermind the rest just be great full dad. You're blessed." He hugged me. "Thanks Angel, so do you need any books like textbooks etcetera" I smiled, " yes! Yes I do" " I'll get you those Tommorow" the days continued as usual. We began to adjust here pretty good and before I knew it the opening of schools was just a few days ahead. Though,the people here are friendly, Sundays is barbeque sundays for every family around here , everyone is chilled and open. Except for just one family. The Millers. They isolate themselves from everyone here, they barbeque on Wednesdays! Go to shop in town where as there is a shopping centre here! But they are least of my worries. There's a family just opposite our house. The James family, friendly! Alittle too friendly. One day I woke up in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom only to find/ realise that it had been used. I thought it was my younger siblings, but they have their own bathroom though. The window was open and when I peeped, the curtain from the James family literally moved and the lights got switched off quickly indicating that someone must have been looking directly at what's happening in my room. When I arrived I used to feel as if I'm being watched now I know I'm being watched. But who was in my room? Do they come here every night? Should I tell dad? No! Mom? No! Tommorow is my first day in my new school , Argh! I don't need this stress. I got in my bed and dozzed off.

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