Chapter 8: Joseph's revenge

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On my way home Finn didn't say a word or ask me anything. I was annoyed with his silence and didn't want to talk too. Im just a messed up girl. He dropped me off at the usual spot and drove off without saying goodbye,not that I wanted to hear it.

I got home and the girls were already there busy with their homeworks. I smiled and said,"Hey gals!" They ran to me and hugged me. When last! I looked at Tina and said,"Sooo how did it go?" "Mmmm?" "The date?!" She blushed,"Oh yeah it was okay well great!" I smiled,"Okay that's good news um did you guys get my clothes from the washing line?!" Candice nodded,"I did, they are on your bed!" I kissed her on her cheek and said,"Thanks cutey bear!".

Moments later I was cooking and doing all the chores. I was done when dad arrived, hugged us all and went to shower. We had dinner without mom as usual and I headed upstairs to my room. I found that all the stuff that Finn threw on the floor was neatly back in its place. "Wow Candice is really a sweet angel!" I sighed and threw myself on the bed and everything dawned on me. Mom cheating,the neighbour always in my room every night, anger management classes and my temper.

Monday is just around the corner Rose I'm scared, what if  i mess that up too. You won't ,just chill! It's only Friday, relax. Okay.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom and bathed. Moments later I got out just wearing underwear and went to the closet. I came out wearing a huge t-shirt and socks. My hair still wrapped up in a head wrap. I saw Finn sitting on the window bench, I greeted him,"Hey dude!" and went into the bathroom again. "Wait! Whaaaat?!" I got out quickly and he wasn't there. "Argh! What's this?" I brushed my teeth then went to sit on the study table seat and began studying. An hour later I heard something fall in my closet. I stood up fiercely and went to the closet, opened the door and got in.

There's no one here Rose! Leave the room now Angel, Run! Run!Run! What? Okay!

As I was about to leave the room someone grabbed me from behind and threw me on the floor. I looked up to see who it was but they didn't give me a chance as they started to kick me fiercely on my sides and I winced in pain and he pulled me up by my hair and pinned me against against the wall.

I spoke,"Gosh who the fuck are you?" Grabbing his mask off. "Joseph?!" "You damn right it is!" He grabbed my neck pinning against the wall. "How does that feel huh?!" I held my breath and tried to fight him but eventually failed. I gasped for air as he threw me on the floor again. I wondered where everyone is.

As I tried to get up he got on top of me, parting my legs and pinning my hands on the floor. I couldn't move but I felt his groin on my vagina. I knew he was gonna rape me so I screamed for help but no one came. I continued to until he smashed his lips aggressively on mine to shut me up and I bit him.

He winced in pain as blood oozed from his lips and got on his knees holding his lips and that was my escape, I backed up using my elbows and kicked him on his neck. I ran for the door but it was locked!! He got up and hurried to attack me and I speared him on to the floor.

As I was about to get off him, He  held me onto him using his legs and arms pinning my back on him . His arm around my neck and I fought for sometime but then it was lights out for me.

I could hear everything but couldn't move. I heard the window open and I heard alot of punches being thrown,a few things breaking and then I felt silence. I opened my eyes to the sunshine through the curtains. I tried to move but couldn't.

My whole body sore. I was laying on my bed now. I could hear dad speaking to the others asking for me. Minutes later the door knob moved but the door didn't open. "Hey! Angel are still sleeping?! I'm off to work!!" I tried to answer him but my voice didn't come through.

"Hey! Open up so I know you're okay!"  "Honey leave her alone okay?! She's probably in one of her moods, let her be, you're gonna be late." Said mom. Dad sighed then said,"Okay Angel I'll see you when I get back okay? I'll bring you some McDonald's or something"

I smiled at that and a silent but Painful tear rolled down my face. I fell back asleep and woke up again to a Finn reading one of my novels. Argh! It's probably my imagination again.

I closed my eyes and opened them again and he was still there. "F... Fffinn?! I managed to say and he turned and ran towards me."Hey! Why ain't you getting up today,it's like 12:00pm. Oh and I was here to see if you're good and your sister told me that you don't want to come down today so I came up!! Here get up!"

He said as he pulled the blankets away and pulled me upright with his hands. It was painful but I had to remain strong.

I walked to the bathroom, showered and got dressed in a long sleeve t-shirt and a puma tracksuit pants just to hide the marks on my neck and back. I walked out and found my bed already made.

I looked at him for some time wondering who he is and why he takes care of me like this?! Was he the one that saved me yesterday? I want to ask but I'm scared.

He looked at me and caught me staring,"what?" "What?" "Why are you checking me out?" I laughed then looked away."I'm not, Hey! Who's Nando's is that?" I say pointing at the brown bag on the window bench. He stood up, picked the bag and said,"well it's ours, perhaps it's cold now please go warm it up?" I took the bag,"Okay, I'll be back in a jiffy"

I went downstairs,warmed the meal and went back upstairs. No one was home except for me. Tina probably went on a date and Candice is probably at the library. She goes there every Saturday to hear some librarian read them stories and tell them fairy tales.

Everyone thinks I'm gone somewhere or just sleeping throughout the weekend. I reached my room with the food and found Finn reading the book again. "What's up with you and that book? I love that book so don't steal it!" He looked at me and said,"so you've read it?" I smiled,"Yep!" "It's Sooo interesting,can I take it home?!" "This is no damn library! No!" He smiled,"Ncah thanks" "I just said no?!" "Anyways let's eat!" I sat on the chair next to him and we ate.

Moments later him and I were indulged in some meaningful conversation about everything. He is the male version of me Afterall. It's like we already know each other, like we've met before. Minutes past and so did hours. I heard a car pull up in our driveway and I stood to check.

It's mom and Frederick. They walked in looking around for any nosy neighbours and fortunately there were none. I heard them whispering and I locked my door. She moved the knob and said,"Angel honey? Are you home?" I kept quiet and Frederick spoke,"I don't think anyone is home Afterall the front door was locked out!"

She sighed and said,"Well I guess you're right let's go to the guest room then since we have the whole house to ourselves!" "I like the sound of that!" They left, I looked at Finn who now had a vein popping on his forehead.

His eyes red and so were his cheeks. He stood up and walked towards the door. I grabbed him before he could reach it and hugged him tightly.

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