Chapter 3 : Mr hazel eyes

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Mr R and I reached the class and he introduced me to everyone. How sweet! I got shown my seat and the lesson continued.

(this seems nice, what's this teacher's name again? Why is he overly dressed? Doesn't he watch the news? Argh! A sweater and a coat all together?! Huge denim jeans I bet he's wearing stockings under those jeans.)

I laughed at my own thoughts causing a few heads to turn my way and I cover it with a small but weird cough. After realising that, they all continued minding their own businesses.

(What lesson is this? History! At least one of us is still listening and paying attention. Wait a minute isn't that the Miller kid? Miller kid?! Or the one from the kingdom of isolation, Who named them that? I did! Great name and yep that's him. Don't stare too long he might disappear! Disappear? What you on about?! Just shut up! I'll stop staring... I need to concentrate now please shu...)

Brought back to life was I by someone shouting my name. It's this sweaty teacher. " Pardon me sir." " Oh well it seems your mind is far away. I've been looking at you since you sat down." What?

"Im sorry but did you just say you've been checking me out?" A few kids laughed and he shifted uncomfortably and said,"No I said I've been watching you staring into space" "You just repeated that you're checking me out sir" "Are you acting smart with me young lady?" "That would be a grave mistake considering that you already know more than I do and judging from your choice of outfit today, you sure do know better." The kids couldn't stop laughing and it annoyed me, I don't see anything funny.

"Stand up Mrs Francisco!" I did. "Answer my question!" What is he on about? Oh! Name one boycott that occurred in SA during the 1900s. First what's a boycott. "Which one?!" "See! you weren't listening and I'm the ba..." I cut him off, " See! You also didn't understand my question" he shifted uncomfortably and said," which is?" I stood upright cleared my throat and spoke,"I asked you which question not what question. So which question amongst the two that you asked me do I answer first?"

He smirked than said,"The first one." I took a deep breath than spoke, "A boycott is now known as a strike that violently takes place when society disagrees with the government or certain laws that the government has put that impact the society negatively. During the 1900 one of them was the sports boycott that took place." He smiled weirdly and said,"Well that was the last time I judge a book by its cover, very well said please take a seat" I sat down.

Thanks brain. The lesson continued and ended. The next one began and ended as well. I don't even know my schedule by head or what I'm having next there's a smudge on my time table. It's probably that chocolate I've been eating in Agricultural science class.let me ask this asshole in front of me.

(Why are we calling him an asshole again? Duh! He's a boy all boys are assholes remember? Ah not him! Oh please hoe shut up! We've been through this before, okay I'll shut my mouth and let you tell me that he isn't an asshole afterall, MCM whatever!)

"Hey, dude!" I say as I nudge him on the shoulder roughly. Students around gave me an awkward look, some gave me a DO NOT TOUCH HIM stare and some stared at me shocked. I don't really care. I wanna know what's next. I nudge him again, "Dude, are you gonna turn around or what?!" He turned around dangerously sexily, with his curly sandy hair half laying on his forehead and his hazel eyes now look honey golden due to sunlight piecing through the curtains and his jaw... Damn! Focus focus...

He spoke,"what?!" "Um. What's the time?" Time? really?  He turned around fully and said, " Oh new girl. There's a clock on the wall, a watch on your wrist and a phone in your pocket. All those things tell the same time"  (asshole, I hate him)
After that's said he turned his back towards me and continued burying his head in his arms.

"This is the most weird school ever! Teachers wear sweaters and coats together when it's 40°c, students sleep in every lesson in this heat! Some you ask them for their timetable, they show you a clock on the wall, your watch and your phone as if their timetable is hanging on all of these things. There's a lot going on."

I guess  I spoke loudly enough cause he turned around again and stared at me and said,"what? What is your problem?" "Oh so now you want to talk. There! There! And There!" I say pointing to the wall, his wrist and his blazer pocket. He turned around fully and said," I... Who.." I cut him off,"What?! Can't seem to catch your breath even after you've been burying it six feet under?" He laughed. Damn! Such beautiful teeth.

(Where did this perfect guy come from? Hey! FOCUS!)

"IF you'll excuse me, I need to complete some work. Turn around and continue looking for your breath, you've been burying it for 3 hours, I'm sure you'll find it and Good luck"    
He smoothly rubbed his forehead,sighed and said,"first of all I haven't been burying my breath anywhere and secondly I don't know who you think you are ,nudging me like that and thirdly you didn't ask for my timetable you asked for the time."

He sighed again and put his hand in his blazer pocket and took out his timetable,"Here!" I took it from his hand and read it. After this I have lunch then it's Math, life science, Geography and Lo
"Argh!" I groan at the sight of math being just after break.

"What grumpy? Already sick of being here?" He said. Wait! He's still facing me?! I looked up at him and said,"Are you talking to me sir?" He nodded and said,"Finn! Call me Finn Carter" I looked at him blankly and said,"So whose grumpy?"

"You are" I feel like arguing with his dumbass but is it worth it? Nah I guess not. I sighed and handed him his timetable. He didn't turn, still staring at me as if waiting for me to say something."Um sir ... Mr Carter ... what's the matter?!"

He looked at me weirdly and said,"Oh no nothing Im just waiting for snow to fall down or thunderstorms to strike then maybe just maybe I can get a thank you and your name" I smirked,"Well that's gonna be a very long time and besides I'll still worry you for that timetable the entire day."  He narrowed his eyes at me and said,"Mmmmm, well just take this one. Ill go get another one"

Im confused,does he hate it now that I've touched it or does he just hate me in general.

I think he saw an expression on my face and just decided to take it and put it back in his blazer and turned around.I spoke,"Um, hey! Finger? Nifer? Fine? Hey?! Whoever you are! Oh Mr Cater no Carter" he turned around laughing at me. I continued trying to get his name and surname right,"Oh yes! Finger Carter?" He laughed and said," The name is Finn." I laughed realising my mistake and said," Give me" "what?"

"The table, I mean timetable" I waited for him to dig in his pocket and give the timetable but instead he said,"Um on second thoughts No! I don't want to!"  "Okay cool" he looked at me shocked,"what? Why are you looking at me like that?" "I expected you to fight me." I laughed,"fight you for your timetable? Nah I'm good." He turned around before he could speak because the teacher walked in. She's late! Very late! The lesson begun and ended very soon.

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