Chapter 2 : Dad ...

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Awaken by the light shining directly at my face, "Argh! Mxm" I groan as I make my way to the bathroom. Minutes later I was done with my hygiene process and all dressed up for school. I looked at myself in the mirror and said," You is brave, you is kind and you is beautiful!" And laughed three times before heading downstairs. (Please dont judge me! It's a routine and I'm not weird, it makes me feel good) I walked downstairs, reached the kitchen and to my surprise everyone was already there eating. " Thanks for waking me up dad. I appreciate it!" I say as I make my way to the fridge, grabbed an apple and left "wait Angelic Im taking y'all to school" said dad. "No can do , I got this!" " Ah come on Angelic just let me take you to school " I turned and smiled ," like I said father, I got this!" He gasped dramatically," Did you just 'father' me?.. That's it! Im taking you to school no matter what you say!" He says that as he is rushing to the garage with the keys in his pyjama pants. " Dad!" I shout. He ignores . I rush to him and say," Dad! Please dont do this! Trust me I got this, you're making me late dad " it seemed as if I was talking to no one as he got inside is car , started the engine and reversed the car. "Gosh! Dad no !" I know I won't win this battle so I did the most stupid thing ever. I ran! As fast as I can and unfortunately he drove as fast as he could and drove slowly at my place when he reached me and literally shouted," So... Young lady! You think you're all grown up now that you can just 'father'me and run away from me Nah ah young lady that's not how you should do it..." Students around me started giving me the look  and I softly said," Dad please! You're embarrassing me! I don't like this!" It's as if I added petrol to the burning flames because he went even louder ," Im embarrassing you... Im embarrassing You! I will show you embarrassment..." He  drove past me and found a parking spot literally infront of the gate. I felt very ill, dizzy? Nausea? Weakness in my knees? I don't really know how I felt but at that moment I really wanted to disappear, oh there it is that's how I felt. He got out of the car, in his pyjamas and shouted my name and surname for everyone to hear. I covered my face with my bag and hurried inside saying, " God please help me! God no no no! Argh! Mxm!" I got inside and with a breath of relief, I exhale after I'd hurried into this now that I realised, dark room. I switched on the lights and I don't know  how many sets of eyes were looking at me. I felt a lump in my throat,swallowed really hard and without further delay I switched the lights back off , opened the door and ran. I heard laughter from the room I just left but continued my journey now walking into what appeared as the principal's office. I got in and took a seat. " Ah morning Mr..." I glanced at the principal's name tag and continued," - Mr Ro- dr -i- gu-ez..." He interrupted,"Mr Rodriguez" he says straightening his reading glasses. I smile and said," Oh Im Angelic fra..." He smiled ," Francisco? Angelic Francisco, the new girl... I know who you are perhaps I've been expecting you an hour ago. Why are you late?"

( Dad Was being an asshole and doing all sorts of  crazy things. Behaving like a child mxm so annoying. That's why I'm this late.)

Is what I wanted to say but instead I heard myself say, " hey that's a nice tie you got on there! I bet your wife chose it for you this morning." He smiled and said," Indeed she did , as I was saying..." I interrupted him , " Your wife really has taste and she must really be inlove with you, look how professional you look"  bemused he answered and said, " Well as a principal I need to look the part and my wife understands that too. So here's your timetable, your stationery and please do follow me to your class" phew! At least that's over. I don't have to keep making unnecessary compliments. But honestly his tie does look good and on our way to my class he kept on talking nonstop about how much he loves his wife. Love! psshh! I thought as I rolled my eyes. There's no such thing. It's only an illusion. No one can love you more than God.

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