Chapter 17: The great confession

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Minutes grew to hours of intense eye contact. They didn't speak nor did they do that romantic moment that happens in movies where the guy moves his eyes to her lips and up again until she falls in and they kiss. This was weird! Beyond words weird. Dad sighed first and said,"Where were we Angel?" I cleared my throat and said,"Well you were going to tell me how it all started" he cleared his throat and said,"We were in highschool when she finally said yes after years of getting declined. I was always on her case and I guess it was never enough. I went to every extent, dropped my goals, turned against my family and pushed away every friend that tried to get in between us..." A silent tear rolls down his cheek. He choked on his spit not being able to hold himself but eventually did and continued,"I thought I was enough but it turns out, I was wrong. I have been lying to myself. I have been deceiving my own self. I should have listened to mom, I should have listened to dad,I shouldn't have abandoned all of my friends. I was blind all these years but now I see... I see that she was and is still not worth all of that. I have over worked myself just to keep this family stable... But all she ever did was..." He kept quiet for the longest time and mom on the other side was drenched in her own tears. "I didn't know...!" She whispered. We looked at her and she continued,"I simply assumed you hated your family and friends" dad literally shouted,"I loved my friends and family infact I loved my life before I met you! I now realise that I chose wrong!" She grabbed his hand,"Please don't say that! I love you!" "Then why did you cheat? Huh? Why?! Say something damnit!" "I cheated because you cheated on me first. I decided to do something before you get snatched away from me and leave me broke." Dad sighed heavily,"I've never done that, who told you that?, Who?!!". "Sandra!" "Sandra who?" "Sandra Samson!" He laughed sarcastically and said,"Man you're stupid. You're actually telling me that you believed words that came out of that woman's mouth?!"
She nodded dad continued,"So you decided to believe someone who you've caught getting fucked by your now ex boyfriend? You believed her over me? You went through hell because of that woman and still you believe everything she tells you. She was supposed to be your best friend! But she had sex with that boyfriend of yours infront of you!" Mom couldn't control her tears and so did I. Dad continued,"So you say you love me?" "I love you!" "Tell me, what did you do to show that you're fully committed? You didn't tell me what you did. What sacrifices did you make for us?" Mom sighed and spoke,"I did alot... I actually knew deep down that we're meant to be. But my ego kept on fighting and saying this and that! Darren was all I ever wanted and he got me pregnant! Yes I did fall pregnant and I prayed and prayed each and every day that if this baby isn't a blessing then I don't want it. The universe answered by taking the baby back. As I was in all those pains and whatnots. I kept seeing you in my mind's eye. I pushed that thought away time and time again until I felt change. A new emotion was born. Numbness.

became numb to everything and every emotion. I always thought Darren was made for me but felt that you were made for me and..." Dad cut her off,"No, you're not making any sense right now!! You're fucking confusing me! You killed your first child? The universe doesn't do that! It doesn't! Speak!" She looked at me for sometime and I didn't know whether I should go or what. I stayed and she then said,"I'm guilty... I lied about alot of stuff... I deserve to die... I messed up everything in my life... Im a greedy and selfish woman... I ..."
"What did you do?" She stood up along with him and said,"Please forgive me! Please!" He grabbed her shoulders back stopping her from coming  closer to him. She budged and stopped.

After a long deep breath she said,"I am sorry for everything Ben. I couldn't tell you anything back then because I was afraid of losing you too" dad sighed," Please cut to the chase" she took a step back and said,"You're right, the universe doesn't take back stuff. The baby is still alive and fully grown now. It reminds me of Darren each and everyday.

"How can I be able to live like this?"
"So you cheated instead?"
I interrupted now more eager to know who the kid is or where it is rather.
"Um... Who is this kid? And where does he or she live?"
Dad looked at me and answered me very calmly,
"The kid is 18, it's a she and I'm looking at her right now" My heart stopped for a minute or two. No sound, no question, no heartbeat. The world went quiet. Mom held dad's hand and said,"You know Ben?"
He nodded and it was lights out for me.

Awakened by a light shining through unfamiliar curtains. I sit up and the parents run to me. It takes my mind just a few seconds to recognise where I was. The hospital!
"Why am I here?"
Dad spoke,"You sort of fainted heavily 3 days ago and by heavily I mean, you hit your head on the counter pretty bad and we had to send you here." A sharp headache attacks me when I tried figuring out the reason behind it. So I asked instead,"3 days ago? I was unconscious for 3 days?! What happened?"
They both looked at each other. Then dad said,"Nothing much, no need to worry! "

doctor came in and said,"Oh wow! You're up! Let's see" he came towards me and smoothly grabbed my face tilting my head to the side."Argh! That's pretty bad but it'll be fine. So do you remember anything?" I shook my head. "Nothing at all?" I shook my head. "Well this could probably take a few days and you two would have to assist her with gaining her memories back. What is your name?" he finally said looking at me."Um I... I... Am Angelic" the doctor smiled and said,"See it's not that bad. But bad though I can't keep you here, you need to see familiar things, your friends etc that might bring back memories okay?"
Friends? I have friends? Where are they now? Um whats going on? I can't be losing memories now! I'm in matric! Wait! I remember that? It's not that bad I guess the doctor's right.

We set off for home and on the way, dad stopped by the mall. "Do you want to come with?" He said looking at mom and I. She nodded and said,"If that's okay with you!" He nodded and said,"Yeah it's okay" "I'm not coming. I'd rather stay in here. That place looks really creepy. Too many people for my liking!" They both looked at each other and then back at me.
"Are you sure you'll be fine?" I nodded. "Okay but please don't leave the car! I'll buy you something nice. Okay?" I nodded and mom hugged me and they left. I sat in the car bored as ever. I felt stuffy and decided to roll down the window and just put my head on the edge so I can feel the fresh air on my face.

"Hey Grumpy!" Someone said a minute later. I looked up and saw some guy with a huge smile on his face and then it dropped after he saw that I was wearing a bandage on my head. "What happened? Are you okay?" Does this mf know me Or something? Am I supposed to be excited or something? I force a smile and said,"Do I know you?" Because if I do then wow I have good taste. You're stankass handsome! The eyes! Damn the eyes. Hurt was drawn into his face in an instant and he said,"I... I'm gonna... I'll come to your house later today"
"You know my house? Wait! You come there every day?!" He shook his head refusing to talk and left.
"Hey! Wait!" He didn't. What was that about?

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