Chapter 22: The new beginnings

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Finn seemed off mood by the time we were done eating. Dad and Finn's mom were deeply enhanced with catching up and I took the opportunity to speak with Finn. I looked at him for sometime until he looked back at me.

"You good?" He nodded and I continued,"I probably won't ever see you again,if we don't talk now, we might never get another chance to do it. There's alot happening right now, I know I'm witnessing it too. But..."

" How did you do it?" "Do what Finn?" He sighed and said,"How did you manage to just forget about your parents divorce and continue as though nothing happened?" "Are you low key saying that I'm heartless?" "Well... No I'm just curious"

"Well I don't know, in fact I wasn't even aware of that because I'd lost my memories. But during that time I knew that something was definitely wrong. Dad would come sleep on my bedroom couch and mom wouldn't even bother to come and see me. So I figured that they were fighting again. I won't lie, after finding out I wanted..."

"You wanted?" I sighed and continued,"I wanted them to give each other a second chance. But then dad told me about how bad mom was to me... I still didn't believe him until today" he looked at me confused and said,"Today? What happened" I looked at him for some time then back at dad who was in a deep conversation with Finn's mom.

I want Finn to know all about me but not everything.

Yes it would feel amazing to get it off my chest but still. I do not wish to be that exposed to him.

"What happened today Angelic?" I found out that my mom doesn't love me. I found out that she doesn't and never cared for me. I found out that the one woman, I beg dad to get back with wasn't even inlove with him to begin with. I found out that dad is not my dad. The one guy that I grew so fond of wasn't even my father. I'm not his child and he knows it but still loves and takes care of me so much? Why?

"Earth to Angelic"

looked at Finn and he said,"Well I'm definitely not a nosey guy but I'm certain that something really deep happened to you today. I'm also certain that you do not want to talk about it and it's totally fine, whenever you're ready to I'll be here.okay?" I smiled and nodded.

He is so unique. I mean I don't even have to say anything. He can see right through me. I want to punch him so hard on the throat, for taking so long to be in my life. But would that help? He is here now and that's all that matters. "Thank you" I whisper to Finn and then looked at dad.

"Dad..." He looked at me and said,"yeah what's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm just curious here, in fact I want to know everything!" He sighed and said,"Well that's a long story and we have to get going now, so I'll tell you on the way. Okay?" I nodded.

Finn next to me was awkwardly quieter than anyone. I sat back on my seat and took out the letter he wrote me. But before I could read he snatched it away smiling and said,"Please don't read it now!" I can't not say I missed that smile. It feels familiar and warm. I love it.

"Come on, you're awkwardly quieter than quiet and I'm bored." Dad handed me a few notes and said,"Why don't you guys go play or something?" Finn's mom also took out notes and said,"Oh yeah, when you guys are done,you can meet me in the car."

For the first time Finn protested,"Ah mom I'm 21, what games do you expect me to play. What is it that you guys want to do whilst we're away?" I stood up and grabbed his hand softly saying,"What does it matter? Come on let's go!" He looked at me then back at his mom, stood up and took my hand.

I love the fact that he's holding my hand but I sort of want to be weird with him and I want to piss him off,just because,"Listen, leave my hand please, I'm 18 you don't have to hold me like I'm a child" he let go of my hand and put his hand around my waist.

It felt good but remember my mission. I stopped and he did too. "I literally did say stop holding me like a child" he smiled and came closer to my ear and whispered,"I know what you're trying to do. It won't work" Stepped back and I can't be defeated so soon.

"Ah I don't know what you're talking about. I just said stop holding me" he let go of me and said,"Fine, but are you sure?" "One hundred percent" I smiled and we continued walking. We walked side by side without touching. "Where are we going anyways?" "To get some ice cream"

"Oh no, can we get like an ice cream sandwich cake" "That's exactly what I want" he smiled and said,"Oh wow cool" we made for milky Lane,got there, ordered ,sat down and started talking."I honestly can't believe we have so much in common" "Me too and Finn everything happens for a reason. It's probably for the best that both our parents got divorced with their significant others"

He smiled and said,"You've changed, do you know that?" "Really,what was I like before?" "No, you've changed in a good way. You're more accepting now. You're understanding and soft" "Oh wow that's weird,was I like a badass girl?" He laughed then said,"Well not particularly badass but you had like a no nonsense attitude"

"What was your first impression of me?" He sighed and said,"Well when I first saw you, or had the first conversation with you,I knew I was in trouble." "How so?" "I wasn't a fan of rude girls" "I was rude?" "Yeah and mean and stubborn. You pissed the shit out of me"

I laughed softly and so did he. "How did I piss you off though? By being stubborn?" Before he could answer the waiter was here with our cakes. "Are you guys like brother and sister?" Asked the waiter. "No why?" "You guys look amazingly beautiful together" I smiled and said,"Wow thanks"

Finn blushed and looked away. The waiter spoke again before he disappeared into the kitchen,"I mean look at y'all! Exceptionally beautiful" "Thank you" I looked at Finn and said,"What was that about?"  "I don't know, what were we talking about?"

I took a spoonful bite of my cake and he said,"Oh right, I was saying that... No you asked what pissed me off about you" I nodded and he spoke,"It's really that good huh?" I looked at him then at my slice that's almost finished and his that's not even touched, smiled and said,"Well yeah it's really good"

"So can I eat before answering your question?" I nodded and we ate in silence. He kept looking at me until I asked,"What?" He cleared his throat then said,"You're even more beautiful when you eat" I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"I'm serious Angelic, have you seen yourself eat?" "Who watches themselves eat?" "Well you should do it. Your hand movements are so neat,so delicate,so smooth but yet fast and your chewing is so unique. I was watching you chew even at burger King"

"I'm sorry, but did you just confess that you were checking me out?" He laughed so hard it's kind of hard not to laugh too. "What's so funny? Finn I'm so serious right now!" He spoke inbetween laughter,"When. You. First ... Okay okay cool down Finn" he did. I couldn't stop smiling,I can't believe he also talks to himself like this. He then continued,

"So when you first came to school, like on your first day. You had like an argument with our overly dressed history teacher and he sort of caught you daydreaming and said that he's been watching you since you got there and you said what you just said to me to him. It was so funny when you said it at that time that the entire class was laughing their lungs out!"

"Oh wow,I must have been rude then" "Yeah like I said. But honestly you were not that rude. You just said things as they are and the truth always sounds sour and wrong" I smiled and soon after we were done we left.

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