Chapter 11: Mother

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I got off dad's car. Yes! I took his long offered ride today because I just felt tired and he was so happy. "Goodbye sweety!" I waved and got insid the school entrance and went straight to my class.

*Attention All Students Please Make Your Way to Assembly point immediately. Thank you*

I went to class,left my bag there and went to the assembly point. Students were already gathering in their lines and I joined mine, standing in the middle. I didn't look around at anyone or for anyone but just focused my attention forward. Everyone kept on looking at me, it's a thing and I just don't care anymore. I saw Finn walk into the hall but didn't see him afterwards and didn't care to look for him either.

*Silence* said the principal and everyone went silent in an instant. *Let us close our eyes, bow our heads and say the Lord's prayer.* We all did as per instruction and he made  anouncements and the weeks agenda. I stopped listening. My attention was brought back to life when my name was mentioned. *Angelic Francisco! Please make your way to the front of the line* "Me?!" *Unless there's another Angelic Francisco here* the whole school kept quiet, like 60 seconds of silence quiet. I  made my way to the front of the line and he gave me his hand so I can come up the stairs and stand next to me, such a gentleman! I stood next to him and looked at him. I was waiting to attack him with every answer that popped up in my head if he dared to ask me a question. *Ladies and gentlemen as we all know about the violent incident that happened between Miss Francisco and Mr James right there and I know that you guys have questions regarding her being back at school instead of being expelled.*

Oh gosh here we go again! Relax.

*We will not be expelling her due to various reasons. 1- She is a high performer,passes with straight A's and we need that for our school image.2- she is a humble person and will never start a fight with anyone.3-You young girls of this school should be more like her, Never bow down to any men. Never!*
I found myself wiping a tear with my hand and students clapped their hands.He continued,*Therefore for those reasons and more the school governing body and I took the decision to not expell her. However she is punished in some other way and it's none of your businesses. Thank you. The assembly has now ended.* He turned to face me and said,"Don't take this the wrong way but..." All the other teachers gathered around me and I just couldn't stop crying as he continued to talk,"We also realised that you have anger issues and you need professional help and that's why we had to sign you up to those classes and..."  I sighed and spoke,"But there's no college that's going to accept me with that, yes I might pass with distinctions but where will I study after that? Joseph who started the fight  got DETENTION and my reputation is torn apart but I didn't start any fight. You saw the CCTV footage but still took harsher punishment towards me. What type of father are you?" With that said I walked away and he held my hand but I snatched it away and walked down the stairs. I was done crying now but my eyes were still puffy and red. I got to class and settled down, lessons began and I sat at the front seat and concentrated more then I did before. I felt that someone was watching me but didn't bother to look back and see who it is. It was the third lesson when someone knocked on the door and spoke to the teacher Mrs Smith, the math teacher for sometime and she turned around looked at me and said,"The principal would like to talk to you" I took a deep breath than confidently said,"No!" She held herself from smiling and said,"Well she will be there during break" the girl left and the lesson continued and someone knocked again and the principal walked in. Everyone stood up and I didn't.

*Good day class, please sit down. Mrs Smith I really need to have a word with Ms Francisco.*
'Okay sir she's right here'
*Francisco! Outside! Now!*
"What's going on outside?"
*I want to talk to you right now*
"Um with all due respect sir, I can't,I'm in the middle of a class and I can't afford to miss this lesson"
He looked at me for some time then walked out. The lesson continued and eventually ended. The next one started and Finn walked past me leaving his math textbook on my desk. I moved it to the end of the desk and took out my Agriculture one and the lesson began. I couldn't stop thinking about Finn as his cologne was on this textbook and now my whole desk smelt of his dumbass. I opened the textbook and found a cute note in the middle saying,

Dear Grumpy

I don't know what it is that's going on between us but I surely do know that I do not want to lose it. I don't ever want to lose this feeling. I'm stupid,I know. I'm always running and playing hide and seek with my feelings. But this time around, I just can't. When I'm with you , I feel transparent. I try to lie but I just can't. Am I weak? To cut things short, I love you Angelic Francisco.

I didn't turn around to face him. I took the letter and put it in my blazer pocket and began to write him a reply. You see?! I told you finn is a me. I didn't tell him I love letters but apparently he does too. Anyways the letter went like:

Dear dumbass

Yes! You're a dumbass. What is love anyways? I don't know how it feels or how it's supposed to feel. You're lying right now, yesterday you told it was just an apology and now you're saying this? What do I believe then?
I folded it neatly, placed it in the same envelope and put it in the middle of the math textbook and pushed the textbook to the edge of the desk. The lesson went on and on and Finn stood up and took the textbook. I didn't move or shift but kept on looking at the teacher so he could continue, which he did.

chool ended and I literally ran out. The reason being that I am not ready to tell Finn about my anger management classes and I just didn't want anyone else to know. So I took the taxi to town and made my way to the centre. I got inside and eventually the whole group of people sitting in the counter stopped working and looked at me. I walked slowly and reached the counter,gave them the letter and the guy said,"Oh it's you, we heard about you, come right this way" he put his arm around my shoulders and led me. We got inside this huge room, with huge lights, lots of chairs and tables."So we'll sit here and I'll be your helper. My name is Devondré Samson. You're Angelic Francisco right?" I nodded and he continued,"Just consider me your friend, so tell me" I looked at him for some time. I hated how he spoke to me, like I'm going to just attack him. He also kept distance between us and put his phone on speed dial mode. "Um hello?" "Huh?" "What happened are you okay?" He said that whilst he put his hand on his phone. I nodded and he slowly moved his hand away from the phone."Um Angelic Francisco,Why are you so um so angry? I heard you attacked a boy! Why? What did men do to you? Did you break up with someone and..." I cut him off,"No, I didn't even attack that boy. I was walking from the principal's office and heading to class and he tripped me over and when I got up and tried to just remain calm, he walked over to me and grabbed my stuff/books and threw them on the floor and then I lost it. Anyone would have lost it too?!"  He sighed,"So what type of punishment did the guy get?" "Detention" "what?! But technically,he attacked you? Aren't there any CCTV cameras at your school?" I sighed,"There are and the principal knows the truth but won't punish Joseph any further."  "Oh my gosh that is so messed up and why are they ruining your life instead?" I started getting emotional and said,"I don't know, this morning the principal humiliated me in front of the entire school and he told the entire school that I'm just being kept because of my good grades that  I'm being punished in another way, which is this. I mean which university or college is going to accept me now?" He looked at me for some time and said,"It's not too late. I can write a letter to your school informing them that you're not in need of any of this. You just need a psychologist, you seem as though you really need someone to open up to. You're not crazy at all!" With that said he stood up and told me to stand too and he walked me to the entrance and told me to be at the principal's office first thing tomorrow. I left and went straight home.

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