Chapter 18: The guy

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The parents got back with a huge trolley. Oh great! They decided to shop instead! They packed everything in the boot and we drove off. Dad turned around and handed me a bar one milkshake and an ice cream sandwich. "Both of these are mine?" They both nodded and I began eating. We reached a double storey house with three rooms on top lining up and with terraces. Wow fancy! The gate was manual so dad had to go and push it to the edge. As the car entered the gate.

I noticed beautiful and freshly mowed lawn and wow once you're inside the House looks even more beautiful. The front porch huge and neat, the entrance doors huge and beautiful. The neighbour's trees around make this whole yard look beyond beautiful. We drove into the garage and got out. Once I opened the door they both came running to me. "Ah I'm fine thanks. So why are we here again?" They looked at each other and mom said,"Welcome home sweety" sweety? Why does that sound so wrong coming from her? It sounds so unfamiliar.

Home? This is my home? We walked inside and I swear I thought I was in some French 5 star hotel. What's missing is a French waiter with white gloves on and a white towel/dishcloth hanging on his arm, greeting us and showing us our rooms and table to sit in and eat. But I guess this is my home and I just have to adjust. "Here let me show you your room" said dad. We walked upstairs and got inside a huge room with built in bathroom and a closet, a window bench with lots of pillows,a study table with a laptop and lots of books on a flowershaped bookshelf. I couldn't get my eyes off of the window bench.

I wanted to just sit there and view the mountains at the distance and also that amazing pink flower tree hanging outside. It's so beautiful. They left me to settle in and I did just fine. I sat on the window bench and viewed everything that's outside. So peaceful and relaxing. I closed my eyes and took in the fresh air and amazing smell of the flowers. I love it! Moments later I went downstairs and found something to eat,sat down and ate. My eyes were caught by the  white double frenchdoors that led outside to what looks like a backyard with lawn spread across,plants planted on the edges and lots of shade from the neighbours tree.

I stood up and went there,found a comfortable spot and laid down. "Hey! Are you good" I didn't move to see who it is  but closed my eyes in annoyance."Yeah I'm good thanks" "Can I join you?" Argh! Wait! That sounds familiar. This means it had happened before or its the same person from before. I sat upright and turned to see who it was. I stood up in shock to see the guy I saw at the mall ,standing on my bedroom balcony

ooking down at me "What are you doing here? How did you get up there?" He pointed out at the tree."I climbed the tree and got here. Please come up" I found myself walking up to my room. I got there and closed the door behind me. The guy walked towards me, smoothly ran his one hand on my face and the other on my waist pulling me softly towards him.

Tingles of excitement rushed all over my body, my heart sped up and before I knew it. We were kissing. Reflexively my hands moved and curled around his neck. Both his hands were now on my waist holding me tightly as if I was going to run away or fight or do something, Or was I? I mean did I do it in the past? This feels so good but not really that familiar. It feels like we did it before but not this long. But I can't stop and so can't he. It felt too good to stop. Wait a minute! Is he my boyfriend? Are we a thing? I stopped kissing him but didn't pull out and so did he. Our lips were just smashed on each other without any movement of any sort. We pulled our heads apart at the same time and stared at each other.  I spoke,"Who are you?" He kissed me again and took a step back, letting my waist go and holding me by my hands."Im  Your friend!" Friend? "You're not my boyfriend?"

"Unfortunately no, you wouldn't say yes" "But you just... We just kissed... Friends don't do that... I'm really sorry... I..." I pulled my hands away and went and sat on the bed. He put his hands in his grey sweat pants and said,"So you don't remember me? At all?" I shook my head and said,"Well the kiss  did feel familiar... Have we done it before?" He nodded and and sat next to me. "I used to come here every now and then, just so we could study. I wrote you a letter and awaited your reply but then decided to come here since it's a long weekend. I just moved away to another city. My parents got a new house there. I was going to help you sort of restore your memories but I'm not living here anymore. Look, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry okay? For everything. I know you probably won't be able to remember

e for a long time but when you eventually do I'd still be inlove with you. I love you"
"Um okay... Thanks I guess"
He ran his hand on my cheek and said,"You don't have to thank me. I was scared to tell you in person that I'm leaving but look at how things turned out now. Im going to miss you. Come here!" And hugged me tightly. I moved away and said,"I can't believe you! How could you? Please leave! Leave me alone!! Please just go! Go!" What the fuck is that all about? What am I doing? I saw myself stand up and literally shouted at him,"Don't you listen? Can you hear please just leave! Leave me" he didn't move nor did he speak. I buried my head in my pillow and cried. He pulled me up and hugged me tightly. I tried pulling away but his grip was too strong for my little strength. I spoke against chest,"Please! Just go! I want to be alone. Leave me... Leave me alone... Please!" He eased his grip and embraced me now,"I can't leave you like this! I'm sorry... I can't!" "You're going to leave me anyways... So why don't... You just go now?.."

He kept quiet for sometime and then whispered,"I'm sorry, I love you". "Can you just stop with the I love yous! We're not a thing you said and you're constantly telling me you love me." He sighed,"You know, friends do say I love you to each other! It's not a crime and besides the only thing that's holding us from becoming a thing was you. You're stubborn as a frog!" He giggled and I  softly said,"Frogs ain't stubborn, they budge to everything!" "Try getting it out of your house! You'll see magic!!"  I laughed softly and said,"Can you let me go now?" He released me and stood up,"I'll leave now. I have to be home anyway. The drive is too long" "You have a car?" He nodded."what kind of car" he smirked and said,"A range rover sport DVR." "That's a huge car for a high school student!" "Yep I know, I just love huge cars!"

That's good, so shall I walk you out?" "Ah no your parents don't really know I'm here so I'll just use the same method I used to come in to also leave!"  " I wanna see your car though!" "Maybe just walk to the gate whilst I jump out the window, I'll drive past you, okay?" I nodded and walked out of my room, down the stairs and now I was standing infront of the gate when a range rover sport DVR slowly drove by. It wanted to stop but suddenly just quickly drove away. I turned around to find the parents running to me.

"Don't go near the gate! Come here!" Said dad as he put his arm on my shoulder. "Who was that anyway?"said mom. "It's probably one of 'those' people!" They exchanged looks and I had to ask,"What people?" Mom jumped in and said,"No need to worry yourself honey. You'll find out when the time is right" before we could enter the house I just had this urge to turn around. I did and saw the car drive passed again. The guy waving at me this time around. I smiled back and walked inside.

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