chapter 10: Sunday blues

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Awakened the next morning by shuffling. I sat upright and my whole body ached like it's nobody's business. I got up and went to my room for my hygiene process and got dressed in a blue knee-length floral short sleeve dress and ditched shoes again.

Everyone was gone by the time I was done. They always leave without me, it's no surprise. Apparently mom got back and told dad she got mugged as she was looking awful with a swollen eye and shit. Tina texted me the details.

Dad insisted on taking her to the doctor but she said she's fine and they need to just stop worrying about her and go to church and then to the Carter family's braai or party. I did want to go but they left me anyway but it's cool I don't know the family members any way.

Of course you don't. What's that supposed to mean? Finn? Finn Carter? Does that ring a bell Angel? Whaaaat?! Argh! I don't want to talk to him anyways. of course you don't. Rose! Stop!

Sunday felt very very long. I cleaned the entire house, mopped every room except the guest and cooked, did washing etcetera. It was only 09:00am when I was done with everything. I went upstairs read a book and got bored and started washing my hair and activated my Curls, tried different hairstyles on my afro and I decided that I want to blow my hair out and straighten it.

The straightening part just couldn't be achievable so I left it blown out and it went all the way far below my shoulders. I felt like the queen of England. I cleaned up and headed downstairs for a snack and decided to just go out.

I left and went to sit on the backyard lawn which was nice and mowed. I laid a towel threw some snacks on there,a book and laid there on my back. The neighbours tree shade was amazing, I felt a thousand tons of peaceful energy around me, fresh cool air swishing around smoothly, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"This is life!" About a minute or two I heard footsteps,"Can I join you?" Argh!  "No! Go away!" I said without opening my eyes. "Ok thanks, I'll just leave this here." Still with my eyes closed,"Yeah yeah blah blah!" "But first... Can I...?!" "Argh just go man!"

The person walked towards me,sat down and I didn't care to open my eyes because deep down I know it's Finn. He's thee most persistent guy ever. "This does feel good"  yep it is Finn. His cologne is everywhere now.

There's no more fresh air, just men's cologne. I opened my eyes and looked at him and said,"I literally just said don't come here. Do you ever just find it in you to stop being stubborn?!"

he laughed and said,"Ah no no I'll stop when you find it in you to stop hating people." I sat upright,"hey! I do not hate people, I just don't agree with half the stuff they say and instead of pretending to, I just leave"

he looked at me and said,"Am I supposed to believe that? Okay I one percent do believe you"  I gasped dramatically and said,"what about the ninety nine percent?" He laughed and said,"I don't know... I swear I had it in my hand... It was right here!"

I slapped his hand playfully and said,"Why are you here though?"  He sat upright and said,"Oh I brought you something! Come on" I got up,"Yay! What is it?" He looked at me and said,"Food!" I turned around and said,"okay I'll pass!"

He grabbed me by my arm and said,"Come on, we'll eat together" I hesitated but he pulled me into the house and we went to the kitchen. After some long but not awkward silence he spoke,"So are you avoiding me?" I choked on the water I was drinking and coughed for a short time and said ,"what are you taking about?"

Handing me some more water he said,"Why didn't you come to my house today?" "They left without me" "what do you mean?" "I woke up late ,so they left me" he raised his eyebrows and said,"So no one woke you up?" "Yep" he scratched his head and said,"Well I believe that, I just thought you were avoiding me so I decided to come over"

"So when someone decides that they want to avoid you,you go to their house?!" He laughed,"Well not really but for you I had to come". He handed me my plate of roasted chicken quarter,a salsa salad with mango and lots of other salads that looked amazing.

"Your mom made this?" He laughed,"Of course, I can't cook" "No, I was going to eat it if you made it, I'm just judging by these many salads. *You gotta eat them veggies* they say." He giggled and said,"Yeah that's mom for you. So are we eating in here?" "Um what? Don't feel comfortable in here?"

"Yes!" "Okay outside or my room?" He hesitated for some time and I just went outside and gathered my things and walked back inside and upstairs nodding him to follow me. He did with our food.

"In my defence I was going to choose outside" "of course you were" We got there,sat down and ate. Light conversation getting thrown there and there. "So can we talk?" "We are ain't we?" "Yeah but about what happened between us yesterday? We can't ignore it forever" I looked at him for some time and said,"Okay let's talk about it"

"We... Actually I kissed you. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" "okay" he smiled a mischievous smile then said,"But it was good wasn't it?" I laughed and said,"Not really" his smile dropped then smiled again,"But I enjoyed it"

"Really? Cool cool that's cool! There's nothing bad of a memory as being badly kissed." He looked at me then said,"You've been badly kissed before haven't you?!" I nodded. "How long before? At your previous school?" I sighed,"yesterday" he burst into laughter and so did I.

"I'm surprised at how well you're taking this. You badly kissed me dude!" "It can never be. I know Im not your type..." "And how do you know who my type is?" He sighed,"Your skin tone,with huge abs, straight white teeth,tall,deep voice" I looked at him then said,"Trevor? You think I'm dating Trevor?!"

  "No I know you are!" "Then why did you kiss me?" He sighed,"Because I was just desperately wanting to apologise in a different way,for the way I acted out and seeing that you're crying because of me"

Ouch! I took my eyes off of his and said,"So it was just an apology?" He cleared his throat and said,"Um... Well yeah... Yeah" Oooooouuuucchh!!! Why can't he see that he is hurting me? I cleared my throat and said,"Well, that was an amazing apology. It made me feel some type of way. But feelings disappear right?"

He looked at me regretfully, opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so I said,"Well they will surely disappear! And please don't do it ever again!"

I sighed then stood up and took the plates and glasses to the kitchen,washed them and he helped with rinsing and packing them back into its place. He kept on glancing at me whilst at it. I walked him to his car when we were done and said,"Thanks for the food and see you tomorrow"

"Um... Sure see you at school" I turned and walked away back into the house and started doing my regular chores. The cooking,cleaning and baking today because it's Sunday.

They arrived back at around 15:30pm and dad said,"Is that smell coming from my house or the neighbours?" I smiled and said,"well its definitely here!" He came and hugged me, mom just walked past me and said,"Just serve us!"

They all sat at the dinning table and I brought them the Krab casserole,peri peri roasted chicken, salads etcetera. They ate, compliments coming in from everyone including mom. I served them dessert and drinks. It's been long since we've ate like this. I was more than grateful when I prayed before I slept that night.

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