Chapter 21: The truth

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The door swung open and dad walked in along with Tina and Candice. I looked at them for a while and then back at the stuff in my hands. "I was going to tell you" said Tina,"-But I got scared that I'd cause your situation to worsen. I'm sorry!" She's sorry she didn't tell me I had a boyfriend or whatever he is?

Is this a dream? Why does everyone seem hurt by this? Or are they hurt by something else? I looked at her waiting for her to elaborate more, which she did,"Everything just happened so fast,mom cheated and got caught..."

Dad cut her off and continued from there,"-And I found out the truth about you not being my child" I stood up and said,"what?" He nodded and sat down on my bed,"I had to let your mom go, I just had to. She is a backstabber. She didn't even like you too. She used to beat you up each and everyday.

I asked her the reason why now that we don't see eye to eye and she said that you remind her of her ex man" I giggled at the emphasis dad put on ex man that it sounded like he was saying X-Men.

They all looked at me shocked,which caused me to laugh even harder. I gathered myself afterwards and said,"Where's mom?" Dad spoke,"I divorced her and she left".  "I want to see her!" "Why she hated you! She won't even be happy to see you. As soon as we reach there, she'll start bashing you!"

A tear streamed down my face.
"She's my mother and I deserve answer don't I? I want her to tell me who my dad is!" Dad stood up and said,"Fine! If that's what you want then let's go. But don't say I didn't warn you!" I nodded and we left.

The drive to the misterious location was long and sad. "Dad please give her a second chance" he looked at me and then back at the road. "Dad..." "Mmmm" I pointed at a McDonald's drive through and said,"I'm hungry" he looked at me ,smiled and said,"Okay let's get you something to eat."

We stopped at the drive through ordered and then drove off. I ate in silence and after I'd stuffed my face enough. I leaned back and said,"Dad..." "Mmmm,let me guess,you wanna pee now?!" "No, dad have you thought about it. I mean she only just cheated nothing more. Right?"

He laughed sarcastically and said,"I'm sorry honey,I just can't" "What if roles were reversed? Wouldn't you want a second chance?" He looked at me for sometime and said,"I guess,I would but..." "No buts dad,just get back with her" "We're already divorced!" "What? When?"

"Everything was finalised last week. She insisted it happened asap because she's got a job and she can't keep staying doing useless stuff. Your mother talks far too much! She's a cunning and controlling woman" "Is there someone new?" "For me or for her?" "Both" "No for me and yes for her!"

"How do you know that?" "During the trials at court she came with the guy. He was there everyday" "Am I the main reason why you won't give her a second chance" "Um no not at all, infact if it weren't for you.

I would have just remained blinded by her lies. I also think she was through with this marriage because she even said I should... Keep the house!" He was crying now. "I don't know why she hated me so much. I feel like I poured out my whole heart to a piece of shit.

She doesn't and didn't deserve my heart or me rather" I fell silent suddenly not wanting to go meet her. But I just want to see my father. What if he doesn't accept me? Then what? I need closure. Why can't I just don't care? Let me tell dad to turn the car around. Too late!

Dad stopped the car infront of a penthouse apartment. He called mom to come out, which she did and we walked into the penthouse. She faked a smile at me and didn't even touch me or better yet hug me. We walked into the luxurious apartment and as soon as we sat down she said,"What do you want?" "I want to see my father!"

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