Chapter 12: the great beating

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I got home at around 19:00. Dad was already home and so was mom. I walked in and everyone looked at me shocked. "Where were you" asked mom. She doesn't even care whether I am okay or not, she just wants to know where I was. "The anger management classes." She looked at me shocked and said,"At this hour? What for? Who do you think you're talking to? Your friends maybe?" Yes at this hour bitch! I went there to dance ballet! I think I'm talking to a cheater! I laughed at my own thoughts and she said,"what's funny?" Before I could answer that dad spoke,"Honey let's just leave her. She's going through so much" she snatched her hand from his and said,"No! I will not! This is my house! If she wants to disobey my orders, she should just leave!" "But where will she go?!" "I don't fucking care! Speak Up you! Where were you?" I sighed,"Anger management classes" she threw the plate she was carrying at me and I dodged it, letting it smash on the wall. I looked at her then ran upstairs to my room. But before I could get there she dragged me by my hair and pushed me down the stairs.  I rolled to the very last step and I felt mucus coming out of my nose, no it's not mucus it's blood! She came back down and started beating me with dad's belt. I didn't cry or yell. When I saw that she was tired of moving her hand. I asked,"Are you done?" She didn't reply but just slapped me across my face. I laid on the floor with blood oozing out of my nose. Dad sat silently, Tina secretly did a video and Candice knelt at a distance pleading mom to stop. I couldn't feel my face and whole body especially my legs and arms and back. She walked away and slammed the door to their bedroom. I stood up and went to my room. Dad followed me but I shut him out. What is he following me for? He should always remain silent like that! He knows that I am not lying but still kept quiet? I fucking hate him!
Morning came and I drank numbness pills to numb the pains. I got dressed and walked to school. At around 08:00am I went to the principal's office. Devondré Samson was there already he got up and hurried towards me saying,"Oh my gosh what happened to you. Did that guy do this to you?" I looked at him confused and when I looked around Mrs Smith,Mr Rodriguez,Ms Rivera, Mr James and Monica(the cook) were all looking at me concerned. Mrs Smith couldn't hold herself,"What happened Angelic?" I shook my head and said,"Nothing, can we continue?" Devondré spoke,"Well we can't,first tell us what happened!" "Um I can't" "Did that guy hurt you again?" Rodriguez spoke,"Monica please go and call Joseph right now! If he did this then he just got expelled!" I sat down and said,"It wasn't him! It was someone else!" They all shouted,"Who?!" And I found myself saying,"Mom!" They all stood up and looked at me shocked. Mr James spoke,"What are you saying to us and why would she beat you like that?" I sighed and spoke,"Well yesterday I went home late and she beat me. She's my mom she's allowed to treat me anyhow. It's just how mother's raise their daughters,I guess... Well I was wrong, I shouldn't have..." Before I could continue Mr James spoke,"Nonsense! Where were you?" I sighed again and spoke,"At the anger management classes at the city centre." Mr Rodriguez said,"That's like one hour and thirty minutes away?!" They all agreed and Ms Rivera spoke,"Well it depends on the type of transport you use. It could be two to three hours sometimes." Devondré spoke,"Yes I took a taxi at 05:30am and got here at 07:40am. No this isn't about me, your mom should come here" Mr James spoke,"But I'm curious here! You've been coming to school wrecked up like this... I think about a week or two ago and was it all your mom?!" I nodded shyly and said,"This isn't a big deal, just don't do anything to my mom, this is not why I'm here right?" They all looked at me blankly and Devondré spoke,"Have you perhaps taken a look at yourself in the mirror?" I shook my head no. "When was the last time you ever did?"  It dawned unto me that I've changed. I don't look at myself in the mirror anymore. I sighed then softly said,"I don't know" Devondré held my hand and said,"This is exactly why I am saying that you're not angry at all, you need a friend or better yet a stranger to open up to" Mr Rodriguez And James both agreed and so did everyone in here."Problem is that there aren't any here... Oh you could always do an online session" I smiled in agreement but in my head I was like:I ain't doing that! Mrs Smith spoke,"Well she could always speak with the school counselors" Ms Rivera said,"You mean you?" She nodded. I smiled and said,"That would be great!" Devondré spoke,"Which part of*you need to speak to a stranger* don't you guys understand?" Mrs Smith-"Well we were just..." "No! You just want to know her news so you could gossip about her in the staffroom" Mr James chuckled and said,"Im afraid that is absolutely true. This right here is not to be shared with anyone close, we don't want Ms Francisco to commit suicide" "I agree too" Mr Rodriguez."OK that is it for today" we all left and I was told to go back home and not attend lessons that day because for some reason I looked pathetic to attend any class. I got home and I threw myself on my bed. The pills in my bloodstream have now gone and now the pains came back again in a bang. I tossed and turned, took off my school uniform, bathed and got dressed in PJ's. Moments later I was laying on my bed when I heard a knock on the door and then it opened and closed. I sat upright and heard the footsteps coming towards my bedroom door. Gosh not again! My door opened and Finn walked in carrying a cute huge basket, wearing full school uniform. I checked the time and it was 09:45am. "Hello!" He said smiling. I looked at him and didn't say anything. "Here I brought you this?" I took the basket and said,"Why are you here? Why do you just walk into my house?" He sighed and threw his bag on the floor, "why do we always have to say this?" "What?" "I'm your best friend,and as far as I know,Best friends don't knock. I think I'm gonna sleep here tonight. You look really awful. Who beat you up like that?!" "No one!" "It's your mom isn't it?" "No it isn't please don't beat her again?" He looked at me shocked and said,"Again? I didn't even beat her the first time" I stood up and said,"Wait! What?" He walked closer to me and said,"Why would I beat her when I still need her to appreciate me or accept me rather and besides I do not beat women." "So who did?!" "Probably that dude?! Yeah I beat him up real bad" I shifted my gaze to the basket and found [a stuffed animal toy(Winnie the Pooh bear), A huge grey t-shirt,cute purple socks,a book, 2 lays chips,2 huge aero chocolate slabs, 2 bar one cake slices, painkillers,pads? And a cute note right at the bottom.] "Don't read that now" he snatched it away. I looked at him with no words being able to escape from my lips as he tucks the note in his pocket. He looked back at me, our eyes locked and he said,"Um so do you like the stuff? Well I bought this to show you stuff that I like. So you like it? It's all yours and no I... I am not buying your love... I respect you too much to do that... I just heard that you were wrecked up and I bunked school to see you and I missed you" He looked at me and I said, "I... Well... Thank you, no one has ever done this for me. Why do you care so much about me?"  He sighed,"I don't know... I guess I just do" I ran to him and hugged him."You really are good to me, you're literally the only person good to me. I will forever be grateful that I roughly nudged your shoulder that day" He laughed and buried his head on my shoulder holding me tightly but gently around my waist. I can't lie,it so felt good. 

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