Chapter 14: Torn to pieces

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I woke up the next morning and Finn was already gone. I was hurt though but not because he left, but because I just thought how many girls rooms he has sneaked into. I got up ,got dressed and went downstairs. I saw everyone having breakfast and decided to join them. After that was done, I got up with the other two and we got into dad's car.

He came out a few minutes later, walked towards the gate and craned his neck looking down the street. I looked at Tina for an answer and without delay she said,"He is looking for you, he does that everyday. You should always take the ride to school" he walked towards the car with a disappointed look on his face and stood at the entrance of the garage.

I rolled down the window and said,"So are you going to drive us to school or what?" He turned around all smiles and said,"You're here?!" He got into the car and started the engine and drove us to school. We reached Candice's school, dropped her and

rove to our school, Tina got out and as I was about to leave dad called me out to stay. "Listen and hear me out, here I got you this!" He pulled out a huge aero bar and handed it to me. I smiled. "Have a good day Angel and I'm sorry about what your mom did.

I know she hates you. I can feel it but I'm just so close to finding out what the reason is" I cleared my throat and said,"Well whatever it is you're looking for,you'll surely find" he looked at me confused,"What do you mean?" "Dad, it is said that, you see what you want to see. If you think that you're so close to finding out whatever it is mom is up to, you surely will but my advice is to just don't do it. Let her guilt eat her, don't hunt something you won't be able to kill"

I said that and jumped out of the car,"Have a great day dad, bye" I walked towards the gate and dad hadn't left yet. I turned around and found him staring into space. I got inside the school and headed to class. Finn was not there yet. So I was worried but then again, he'll probably pop in here any minute from now. He didn't. The lesson began and ended. The next one did too,etcetera.

He's probably tired, Rose why am I getting all worked out for? I can't tell you this. Rose?! No I can't.

The day continued and Trevor came and sat with me during lunch. "Hey what's up,are you good?" I smiled and said,"Yeah why? Are you good?" He sighed,"You haven't heard have you?" I sat straight and said,"Heard what?" He sighed again,"That Finn left!"

My heart sped up and my eyes went wide,"Left? As in?" He held my hand and said,"He is not coming back. He moved to another city. His dad got a better job or something there and so they had to move. He told me to tell you this because he was scared to say it to you himself."

Coward! The fucking Coward! He was literally the only person that cared about me. Damn! I looked at Trevor and said,"when did he tell you this?" "Today at the earliest hour" I don't get it. "Okay? Wow! This is unbelievable. I can't believe he could do this. But it is what it is. Atleast he isn't dead."

Trevor pulled me into a hug and handed me a piece of paper."That's his tens, text , call just hear him out" I took it and placed it in my blazer pocket. "So do you perhaps want to go grab some pie or something,I'm starving." I smiled and nodded and we made our way to the tuckshop.

He bought us pies and drinks and I bought us snacks. We walked to the bench,sat down and ate in silence. We were done long before the bell rang and we headed back to class. I sat in my usual spot alone and the Miller kid came and sat next to me.

What? So Finn ditched me and now every guy wants to sit next to me? Argh! Mxm. I looked forward and ignored him. He didn't greet me but instead,he just whipped out his sanitizer and sprayed it on his desk and took out his book after it dried up. This is going to be very interesting.

I watched as he neatly placed everything and decided to ignore him again. Lia gave him his ruler back and he sanitised it before touching it. I got annoyed with him and before I could react the teacher said, "Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 24, theres homework for you there."

I took out mine ,turned to page 24 and started the work. I looked up and found him staring at me. "What!" I snapped."Can I share with you?" "No!" "Why?" "Because I just don't want to" "You don't want because you really don't want to or is it because you hate."

"Believe whatever you want to believe, I'm not sharing my textbook with you." "Why?" "Because I don't want to" "okay!" He moved closer than close just so he could see. "What the fuck is up with you man? I said no!"  He didn't move so I stood up,went to the teacher's desk,got her sanitizer and sprayed it where Kevin(the Miller kid) had been leaning towards and moved my desk further than his.

"Stop the shuffling please." "Sorry ma'am" I sat down and continued with my work. Kevin had both a hurt expression on his face and I couldn't read the other one when I looked at him before minding my own business. Kevin has pride and a hugeass ego.

He is so caught up in the mentality that every girl is attached to him. Yes he is stankass handsome alittle more than Finn. Ocean blue eyes, straight white teeth, long dark hair, muscular build but not like Dwayne Johnson and captain of the rudby team. So he just treats people like trash.

Lia didn't deserve what he did to her. So Im making him feel how he makes everyone feel and besides he messed with me on the wrong day. Lessons continued and Trevor became my new study partner, well at school only. I was just not myself and I didn't know why.

I felt torn into pieces, my heart ached like it was nobody's business. I wanted to cry my lungs out or scream loud enough for me to wake up from this bad dream. I rushed home later that day hoping I would find Finn there to explain the bull shit I'm hearing.

I opened the front door,left it open and ran to my room. He wasn't there. I checked the closet,the bathroom,the kitchen and lastly the backyard. "What are you looking for?" Tina asked. I ignored her and ran back upstairs. I threw myself on the bed and cried out my lungs. I couldn't believe it. He is gone, wait! Let me go to his house. But it's far from here. I have to see him! 

No you don't,relax you will kill yourself. If him and you are meant to be then you will be. What will you go there and say to him? There's nothing you could do to change this. Please Angelic Francisco calm down. Okay

I calmed down right after that and took off my school uniform,bathed longer than before and got dressed in black stockings and a floral short sleeveless dress. I went downstairs did my chores,cooked and washed my school uniform. Hours later I was done and headed to my room.

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