Chapter 1

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After a terrible and painful separation, I decided to change the course of my life.  I left my boyfriend to go make my dream come true, my so successful Master's Degree in Film History in London.

That new city was so amazing and enchanting.  Every space of it was impeccable, I had no doubts...that was where I would remake my life and maybe find a new love that would support me and wouldn't abandon me when I needed it most, as Gustav did with me.

Twenty-seven-year-old me was standing in front of Stanford University facing the schedule of classes and lectures.  I sat in the best chair in the auditorium while the so-called international cinema event with lectures by major celebrities happened... Soon I saw a rush like someone famous was there but at first I didn't care much.

The lecture started, I was dying to know what was in store for my new life.  Director Richard Dawkins began his speech on the history of cinema and soon introduced a person who made my heart race....he is the most beautiful man in all of London and in all the movies I have ever seen...... Tom Hiddleston .

Welcome everyone to the 25th Annual Art History Lecture!- Tom said- It's a pleasure to be here, but this time not as a student but as an honored guest.

My heart sped up so much, he was there at my college.  He looked handsome, with black reading glasses on his face, blood red shirt and dark jeans...his British accent echoed along with a charming smile as he spoke.

At first I thought I wasn't going to Marvel, I tried many roles within this universe but I thought that no one liked my acting, until one day I went deep into the history of cinematographic and theatrical art, staged plays like: Machiavelli, Shakespeare, between others.- he said confidently. Loki was an example, I had no idea who he was until I remembered the Norse and mythological history studies I had here and it helped me a lot... so advice from actor and ex-student, if you want to go long... dedication is the key to success for everything... don't give up!

Applause echoed in the university amphitheater, I kept looking at that man, Thomas was an expert lord and totally charming even with words.  I was ecstatic for a while until I ran after him as he left to talk to him and praise him for his impeccable lecture!

Thomas!- I said running- Thomas Hiddleston!

He turned and saw me panting as I held out a book for him.  I raised my head and looked at me exactly with Loki's gaze, full of mystery.

Is Thomas serious?- he said staring at me- It's usually Tom, Loki or Mr. Hiddleston...but Thomas is the first time!

Sorry, by the way, nice lecture!-

Thanks! - he said curiously.

Joanah! - I said extending my hand

Beautiful name!-

Thank you!-She smiled when she received the book again with a beautiful calligraphy coming from him- I really admire his work, I'm a big fan of his!


Yes, and I didn't know you studied here, one more reason for me to admire you even more! - I said laughing - I would love to call you for a coffee but I have to solve some housing and campus issues!

Maybe a next opportunity, I'll charge for the coffee!-

All right, I have to find out where the city's central library is and look for the Galasus hotel for foreign university students!

Are you an immigrant?- he spoke curious- Miss, excuse my intrusion but where are you from?

Brazil, São Paulo!-

Wow, there's a place I've never known! - He spoke cordially - Come miss, I'll accompany you to the city center!


We walked to the center of the city, it felt like a dream... Me walking in the middle of London with Tom Hiddleston.  That man was an excellent English lord, charming and very tall, without glasses he was already a cat, with glasses he made me freak out looking like a professor of British literature.

He wasn't just charismatic, he was intelligent and the kind of man every woman wants in life.... Including me.  After having been through a typically toxic relationship in which I was blind, I decided to change my air and start over and I felt that London was going to give me that!

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