Chapter 7

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How is it?-

What? - he said staring at me

This thing about sadomasochism! - I said drinking coffee - How did you learn to like it, what does it do and if any woman you've dated accepted it in good stride!

Tom looked at me without reaction to my question, almost choking on his coffee.  I stared at him for a while and he ran his hand over his mouth in a sexy way to explain everything to me.

Actually Joannah, well... I learned to like it watching movies, one day I had to kill that sexual urge that we men have and I went out with a luxury escort who showed me more of that and I ended up enjoying it! - He was serious - About the women I've dated, I...ahm.... I didn't have the courage to tell them, not all of them accept it and I didn't trust them!

I drank my coffee looking at him curiously, Tom knew he could say what he wanted to me that I would be silent.  My god, this man is so handsome and shy that he's even unbearable at times, but cute at the same time.

Show me! - I said looking at him.

What Joannah?-

How is it! - I said curious - I just don't know, arrest me and whip me, I want to see this!

Is it really that you're asking me this? - He spoke seriously - Are you totally and absolutely sure about that?

Yes... is there something I need to do? - I said seriously - You're just going to show me a little bit how this is, quick thing!

And if I like it? - he said - If you end up wanting more, what do I do?

I don't know Tom! - I said getting up - Seriously, get that handcuff that's there and maybe a whip and wake up your sadistic Loki side that you have in you!

Girl, girl!- he spoke, getting close- Then don't say I didn't warn you!

Come on Thomas! - I said seriously

Tom left and I was putting away the coffee things.  I was standing still when I felt Tom grab me from behind and handcuff me.  He turned me around to face him and his eyes blazed in an intriguing way.

I was held hostage by him, Tom just held my hair, pulling it back, leaving my neck bare.  I gasped when I felt his breath near my neck giving me a slight shiver.

Tooommm! - I spoke low

Shiiiuuu! - he whispered - Be quiet or you won't like the punishment!

He kissed my neck and pulled me closer, taking my legs and squeezing tightly.  I soon noticed him snag me in the closet and grab something he had left on the counter.

His lips were on my neck and soon my simple, low moan came out at a very loud volume.  A lash to my thigh made me bite my lip and shiver all over, I thought I was dreaming about it but it was real.

Tom, come please! - I spoke softly - I've felt what it's like, please so I can't stand it!

Can't stand how?-

I'm short of breath! - I said breathlessly - Release me!

He smirked like Loki and soon his hand went behind me, releasing the cuff.  I took a glass of water and drank staring at nothing thinking about what had just happened there.

Tom looked at me smiling and then picked up the cell phone that beeped a message.  He smiled and showed me... Meet Gala Awards.

Do you want to join me in this event?-

Wait, me... me accompanying Tom Hiddleston to an amazing event like this?-

Exactly! - he laughed - Accept, because I do not accept a No for an answer!

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