Chapter 22

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*Days later*

I was alone with the children in London, it had been days since Thomas went to New York that the children got sick, Henry had a fever and Mary didn't eat anything, that worried me not to mention that I said I was bad too, passing the days too nauseous.

My cell phone was ringing relentlessly, when I went to see it was Thomas who was making a video call and I answered it - Hi my love! - I said sitting on the sofa in the living room and he didn't talk to me for a few minutes just analyzing me and let go - I'm so missing this one of mine beautiful wife there on the other side of the screen! - he said and put the cell phone in a corner while the production team was getting it ready for the new movie - And the kids? - he questioned looking at the corner when I sighed loudly sick!

Sick?- he said and took the cell- What do you mean sick?- I sighed and explained to him the real reason the twins are like this and soon Thomas asked to see the children who improved quickly when they saw their father.  In two days it would be Christmas and Thomas wouldn't spend with us, it would be his first Christmas without us and maybe New Year's - Honey, can't you really come? - I asked curiously waiting for his positive answer but I was frustrated - I don't know love , I think I'll be back after the new year, but I'll call you! - he said and made a kissing sign and hung up.

I was too worried and found myself crying because of the situation, despite fighting with Thomas a few times, I missed him infinitely and seeing our children sick for not having a father for Christmas and New Year hurt me deeply, we could have gone with Thomas, yes but it was difficult to travel with children and with fenir.

While the children slept, I went to bathe and thought about Thomas.  As soon as I finished, I took the opportunity to decorate the tree, which was strange since Thomas always liked to put the star on top of the tree and this year as long as he didn't come for Christmas, the tree wouldn't be with the star.  I looked at an old ball from my first Christmas with Thomas when the twins were newborns bringing me fond memories.



Darling!- Thomas said entering the twins' room while I put them to sleep.  He came over and kissed them both helping me put them in the crib.  He pulled me out of the bedroom and led me downstairs to the house that was warmed by the fireplace.

He wore a dark red sweater over his white shirt and then he handed me a box and said+ "Our first Christmas together deserves something special!"- in white silk, there was a photo of us from our wedding.

The little ball I got from Thomas was different, it had a heart shape and had golden threads writing our initials.  It was so sweet and Christmas that I promised every Christmas on our tree would have this little ball.

Thomas and I went together to the tree and we decorated it all.  He being tall, he stretched his arm putting the star and winked at me saying- This part since I'm a child is mine, I always put the star, no one else... if I don't have it here, you know, leave the tree without it until I come back! - he said kissing me and looked at the ball in my hand and then looked for a corner in the tree worthy of belonging to it.

He showed it to me and I carefully placed that Christmas delicacy that would stay every year on the right side of the tree next to our photo that was on top of the fireplace.



This little ball! - I said smiling sideways and I fitted it to the tree exactly like the first time and I went to prepare a hot chocolate while watching one of the movies that Thomas made exactly to kill the longing.  I grabbed a blanket and called fenir to be on my covered side and then sent Thomas a photo of the movie I was watching "LOVERS FOREVER".

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